Online: Wanderer57

my work gear head mods ,seat cutting ,boreing ,etc

  • dynoharley
    7 years ago

  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
       some more of my work gear , seat cutter , boreing , honeing    flow bench 600 cfm at 28" unit

  • dynoharley
    7 years ago

    building pipe work for turbo set up

  • Hound_Dog
    7 years ago
    Fucking sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Fantastic looking installation and bike. Must attract a lot of attention. I hope not bad attention. Cheers
    No intercooler? Room for it?
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Thanks DH. Makes sense. The bike is a credit to you. Cheers
    Got any video? Links? Love to hear it running
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    That is the coolest stuff Dyno and a great add, as I for one am extremely impressed, and you live in non smog area. I like stuff like that, can you supercharge, I mean a 103, seriously? I've had good battles through windy shit with pricks in Supercharged vehicles , me bike. Talk down the track. Love ya stuff, no idea what they do but impressive stuffs.
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Great looking set up mate. You must be pleased to work in that garage/shed!
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    Nice set up the flow bench looks easy to work with. how many inch vacuum does it test at?