Online: paulybronco

Oil Change for 1200 Sportster Conversion

  • ScreaminSmeagle
    7 years ago
    Looking to pick your brains for some garage tricks.

    LDoing an oil change and primary/tranny oil change on my 2004 Sportster that has a 1200 conversion.
    Does the conversion call for a different spec oil? and is there anything you would add to this 'How To':

    Cheers chaps.

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    You don't need a separate oil for a 1200, same oil as 883.  That oil change guide seems good but it only covers Engine oil change.  The primary oil change is a separate process.  Primary fluid is different to engine oil.  Do a search you should be able to find a good guide for doing the primary fluid change.
  • AlHD48
    7 years ago
    recommended by eastern big twin for my sportster 48 
    primary transoil expert SAE 10w40 - motul 
    twin syn 20w 50 - motul 

    these two are the best i have used 
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    For my 2009 883
    Harley 20/50 for the engine
    Redline transmission oil for the primary/gearbox - fantastic stuff for clutchless shifting; which I do about 80% of the time (gotta use the right Redline for a sporty as the one for Big Twin tranny's has additives that do not go well with a sporty clutch)
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    Thats the one the Redline MTL for Sportsters and Redline Shockproof in Big Twin Trannys.
  • OILLEAK2008
    7 years ago
    From what I have seen on the Net, this thread was a tame one. Usually when someone ask's a question like - 'what oil is best for my Harley' random fist fights start, divorces happen, dogs bark and the host site goes into meltdown.