HD Forums Australia
117 kit fitted to cvo 110
117 kit fitted to cvo 110
7 years ago
hi guys , pulled 117 cvo ktted eng down to do head ,intake ,cams ,mods to raise performance levels , eng was little down on what it should have been making at rwhp , pulled barrels and found there to be no oil ring control , this eng done around 3000 ks since fitted , will do other checks , return oil pump etc , I rang Harley to sort another set of rings but non in Australia ware house at moment , they have one ring set for a single piston here in 2 weeks , other wise have to order and weight 5 weeks before new sets are here , problem id when you go with the 110 kit pr 177 kit , there is no over size left th work with to correct problems , I have all correct measuring gear , mics , bore mics etc to alow me to check bore dimesions also , will torque plate up and check today , if bores are not up to tollerences for rehoneing to true up , then there in bin , costly kits they can be , here few pics of oil coated pistons after pulling barrels
7 years ago
If there are enough of these quality problems and wait times to get replacement parts from the USA, it could make the option of going to 113 ci pistons with a bore job on the 110 cylinders a more attractive option. Ensures correct round, fit etc, choose your piston, enables further bore work in future too. Probably cheaper too. Much like the 107 option
7 years ago
Take it back to 110 and put your money into the heads (+ maybe better pistons if you fancy a dome) rather than a 117 kit. The results would be similar, if not biased positively toward the heads.
Plenty of 110 take-off cylinder and piston sets out there, ask me!
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