Online: flstc08

Performance Jetting kit 2005 RoadKing 1450 (88i)

  • TheBigFella
    7 years ago
    My performance jetting kit from CV-Performance turned up last week from the States.
    Fitted it this afternoon, took about 30 minutes from start to finish.
    The bike had been rejetted previously by the original owner, however this performance kit came with a swag of goodies, I fitted it as per instructions and I have to say it has made a huge difference.
    Upsized the pilot jet, main jet, replaced the needle, drilled out the vacuum hole in the slide, replaced the mixture screw and fitted a CV/Ductor.
    The kit came complete with comprehensive instructions, (links to youtube if needed) 2x main jets, 2x idle jets, new slide spring, gaskets and new bolts to replace the original soft metal screws on the bowl.
    Throttle responce is crisp, pulls harder and midrange is noticably better, has no bogging down or hesitation.
    I'm a happy little vegimite,,,,,,,,,,,,