HD Forums Australia
4" Pillion peg mounts kept spinning. All fixed.
4" Pillion peg mounts kept spinning. All fixed.
Ozzi Supercub
7 years ago
Hi all. New to the forum and new to Harleys. Loving my 09 Deluxe and wondering why I waited so long.
Anyway, I thought Id post this to help anyone who is having the same problem.
My better half is a little shorty so when riding pillion the stock pegs were a bit of a stretch and she'd find the position uncomfortable causing numbness in her legs. I bought some adjustable peg mounts.
All good. Raised the pegs up perfectly which means happy wife :)
First ride out was great. She goes to climb on for the return journey and as she steps on to the peg it just rotates down and is now sitting 4 inches lower than the stock peg. Pics should help explain. Problem is that stock mount has no locking tab and just relies on tension from the bolt to stop it moving. The extra leverage due to extension and the fact that her weight was being applied in the same direction as undoing the bolt caused an issue.
No available fix from Kuryakn so Blair from Bikeworks gave me an idea. Made up a small bracket that l welded to the stock peg mount and extends up to another mount with a bolt through it. Problem solved. I am now back in the good books.
Ive attached the pics for reference and hopeit helps anyone who's having similar issues.
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