Online: zappa916, Hilly, flstc08

rake specs for road glide 2014-2016 rushmore

  • wildhog55
    7 years ago
    hi guys new here but need some help after all the specs for above as I'm changing to a trike , i have a 2016 road glide special !
    they have the trail as 6.8 inches , wow thats a lot ? i need the top offset , the triple tree rake and the neck rake ? please if anyone knows ?
    you see I've just domne a frankenstein conversion and as a trike should only have around an inch , just + 
    as a bike normally have 3 to 6 inches trail  i have put 7 % raked tree's but still miles to hard to steer . with the above details i can put all the details in a program that would calculate what i need 
    help me please???
  • wildhog55
    7 years ago
    NO ONE ?