Online: B0nes, HD17

Fatbob Slip ons

  • Deanford
    7 years ago

    Hey Fellas

    Am after opinions on slip ons for my 2013 Fatbob. Was told the Freedom Performance 3.25inch were the go but was told by the supplier in Brisvegas $800 landed in Oz plus 12 week wait..........not waiting 12 weeks!

    Keen to hear from anyone about their choice (preference) of slip ons SE, Rush etc etc. Am currently running V&H Big Radius 2-2 but not a big fan. Have an unused system off a 2016 Fatbob and was thinking of swapping out the mufflers.

    Thanks in advance

  • Sparra
    7 years ago
    Have a look in the classifieds,Loftybob had a set in there for sale but they were black,might work for you.
  • robots
    7 years ago
    There a used d&d fatcat in QLD on eBay at moment for $500(no bids), bargain if fits bike and the area suitable