Online: Old Fatty, flstc08

Rear shocks /suspension - 1993 Tour glide Ultra

  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    I have a 93 tour glide ultra , that seems to have had a rear suspension failure .
    Every time it goes over a bump it bottoms hard . first happened going over a speed bump fully loaded .
    I have not had this bike long and although I have had Harleys for years , I have never had a touring type Harley .
    I am completely unfamiliar with there air suspension arrangement .
     I went to buy a small hand pump online that is used to pump up some touring Harleys but their compatibility list specifically excludes mine .
    Any assistance would be appreciated .

  • mickle
    7 years ago
    Sounds like you need to add air, ensure you only use the Harley hand pump as they use very minimal air pressure, take
    off your Panniers and have a look for any signs of leaking oil, I have done away with the Air shocks as there is better
    suspension out there.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Can you post a pic of the air nozzle. Could look a bit like a tyre valve. May have a screw on cap. 
  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    pic of the one for the front forks , it is in the end of the left handlebar .

  • mickle
    7 years ago


  • mickle
    7 years ago
    I have the Harley Premium ride Hand adjustable rear springs fitted, mine is a 2015 CVO Ultra, I think
    you can get these to fit the earlier models also.   


  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    where do I put the air in for the rear shocks ?
    There does not seem to be any oil around the shocks ..
    not sure what is going on .

  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    found the valve under the sidecover .
    valve cap is full of ( very black ) oil

  • mickle
    7 years ago
    Pump them up and keep your eye on them, she's an old girl and more likely they need replacing.
    (make sure you only use the hand pump or you will fuck em)                   
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Dear PT. With the weight that you're thinking of putting on the bike (200kg+) I'd be putting hydraulic fluid in instead of air. 
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    I had 944 shocks on my dyna, they had a good ride but I'm not convinced they were worth twice as much as a set of ikons.
    The main difference was that the 944 smoothed out the little bumps better than the icons but on big bumps they were similar and so was handling and with the ikons you'd save a fair few dollars.  <-- not sure if that's exactly your model but they could tell you if not.
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    The weight issue and bottoming out relates more to the spring rating than the shock dampening.
    I'd be asking for the heavy duty version of whatever shock you end up getting (both progressive and ikon have these available and I'm sure other companies do as well).

    Being a fat bugger myself I hear what you're saying.
  • mickle
    7 years ago
    Have a look here.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    PT, i think you need to see someone that does suspension's for bikes as they can set up for weight they need to support. personally i don't like progressive . hope you sort it out.
  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    I found a business during my googling last night that rebuilds the old evo shocks , he , if still in business , is at Yerongpilly .
    RAD Motorcycle Shocky Repairs
    Has anybody heard of him ?
  • pony-tail
    7 years ago
    I have decided to give the Ikons a go waiting for a quote to come back ( public holidays will hold things up )
    So no harley for a couple of weeks - would be fine but the CVT in the Burgie has packed up ( Actuator motor ) cheap part insanely huge labor .
    So now I have no bike running - that said I have been looking around for a cheap city bike to replace the Burgman .not sure the burgie is worth the expense .
    Back to the Harley - when I was mucking around with the suspension I found that the rear wheel was not in perfect alignment with the front - wheel is dead straight in the swing arm but the swing-arm appears to be out a small amount - maybe swing-arm bushes , not sure ..
    I had noticed the bike turns better to the left than the right but had not checked it thoroughly