Online: Old Fatty

Question: Best shocks for Iron 883

  • Magintz
    7 years ago
    I am wondering what would be the best shocks for an Iron 883 for both solo and two up riding. The stock iron is pretty hard, I would like to add more comfort for two up riding and solo. I have been looking at the Progressive 444 and Progressive 970 series shocks, has anyone put these on an iron? I am also wondering about options for front suspension.
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    check out Icons
  • Magintz
    7 years ago
    Thank you.
    I am looking into it...

    I have my eyes on: 

    YSS Z 362
    Progressive 444
    -still need to research IKON.

    Any experience with the YSS Z 362's?