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2008 Road King ABS brake failure.

  • Boozo
    7 years ago
    I've just had my 2008 FLHR Road King rear brake totally fail due to an ABS problem.
    The pedal wouldn't move at all.
    My concern is why this sort of fault isn't a recall???

    A new original part ABS unit for this model was $1180 but they are superseded or deleted(probably due to a faulty design).

    According to the manual if the ABS fails it reverts to a normal brake so at least you can still stop, well WTF happened?
    I suppose I should be thankful that I still had the front brake operational.

    A new ABS unit is $550 which is great except it also will need a new ECU for $700 because the old ECU can't "talk" to the new ABS.
    Then, it has to be reprogrammed by the dealer.
    So I'm looking at probably $2,000 after it's all done and fitted.

    Love the bike, but this sort of shit really puts me off Harley Davidson.
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    Are you sure it's an ABS problem?
    I had a rear caliper seize up which caused the rear brake pedal to not move (because the pistons wouldn't move).
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Heck Boozo. Don't lose heart. Sorry to hear but the bike is 10 years old now. Lot of water under the bridge since that bike was built. May be able to get a second hand part.
  • markwoumla
    7 years ago
    You dont hear of many abs module fail ... But any component can fail I suppose .... I take it , you took your bike to a dealer to confirm the bad news with the use of their Digital Tech workshop tool  .....  Did the dealer by any chance tell you of the error codes that may have come up regarding faults in the abs system ????  And was you abs dash light on solid when the rear brake became rock hard ????  Not really trying to double guess the dealer, but they  have a habit of being part changers, specially with electrical and abs problems ...  As you are talking about a fair sum of money ,, I would like to be confident that all checks have been done,, and if it comes back to the module, then so be it ......   
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    As an aside, I have had 3 ABS / TRACS controller and 2 unrelated MAF failures in my Volvo Wagon in 300K Kms. Should have been a safety recall (according to forums) but at approx $500 for the part (refurbished) each time (not inc labour), it's good business for the mechanic. I bitch and complain but in the end, I like the car, pay the money and move on. Having a good relationship with the mechanic helps.
  • markwoumla
    7 years ago
    Boozo ,,, Been reading on the internet that the Harley abs system, (module) , has been known to fail , and have similar symptoms as you experienced,, (solenoids lock closed, not allowing fluid through , so not allowing the brakes to default to normal braking, without abs), .... Can be rear or front brake that goes solid , resulting in no brake.. Bad enough one brake going,, but it would  be catastrophic if both brakes failed ...  Seems to be 2008 --2010 models .....
    When you get it all sorted , post up and let us know the results ....  Cheers ....
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    Shit Boozo, that's a bloody dog of a thing to happen, lucky you didn't need to use rear brake when shit hit the fan and it fucked up. FFS. Sometimes I wonder if we have progressed with mechanical working's these days utilizing electronic devices to be THE deciding factor...remember the rod and cable, olden days, they stopped but took a while. 
    I too am interested in your end result, good luck there mate.
  • me_ashman
    7 years ago
    I'd be considering removing the abs completely for those $$$