HD Forums Australia
Is My Bike Running Right?
Is My Bike Running Right?
7 years ago
Not new to bikes but new to Harleys.
I'm not sure if ill be able to provide enough detail for this question or if you would need to ride the bike itself to answer but...
My bike (new to me) is a 2004 Sportster, 1200 conversion, aftermarket air filter and slip-ons. I have only done 100ks on it so far and have come off a 2011 Suzuki single cylinder that I rode for 16,000ks. So i'm interested to know if what I am feeling is because of the drastic bike change or if I should have my bike looked over, maybe a Fuel/Air mix issue.
At idle my bike is running smooth, pulls away smooth, clutch completely engaged running smooth to about 1500 rpm, then the bike feels as though its vibrating a little, almost as if its about to stall but nowhere near as severe, just a harsh vibration. Then once the bike is at 2000 the slight juddering turns into a smooth vibration and everything feels 'normal', very pleasant to ride infact.
Could this be me getting used to Harleys or the tune making the bike run like a bag of shit through low rpm? or something i'm missing?
I know I need plenty more hours on the bike before I can be confident in what I think i'm feeling but no harm in asking the question, right?
7 years ago
I recently switched from a '92 Sportster to a 2014 Sportster. The '92 had a rigid mounted motor and the 2014 has a rubber mounted motor. The difference in feel between the two bikes is quite considerable. I'm used to rubber mount Sporty's as I had an '07 years ago, so I knew what to expect.
Your 2004 model is the first year of the rubber mount motors and these bikes do vibrate and shake a lot. I'd check the state of the motor mounts just to be sure they aren't worn out or loose. It may be that a certain rev range highlights loose or worn motor mounts.
7 years ago
the bike idles smooth ,takes off smooth , vibrates a little then smoooths out again. I don't know too much about 1200 sporties but I would hazard a guess this is normal.
I didn't know they sold single cylinder bikes any more. What was it mate and how did it go?
7 years ago
Yeah, i've put a few more k's on it now and I think having the bigger motor it's just a different ride. That plus what i've read about the rubber mount sporties and its starting to feel normal/expected.
My Suzi was a TU250X 2011, perfect everyday ride through slower roads and traffic and would recommend one to any first timer. Super simple, reliable little bike. Put all those k's on it and the tyres probably had another 10,000 in them.
Thanks for the responses, starting to get a better feel for this bike now.
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