103 vrs 103

  • moandec
    7 years ago
    Hi everyone im just wanting peoples veiws on power differences when riding with friends! I have a 2014 Fatbob with a stage 1 kit and im wondering why a couple of my mates bikes seem to just have little bit more than mine!Two of my mates have 2014 wide glides both with stage 1 kits as well and they both seem to have just a tiny bit more than mine!! Could this be a weight issue or maybe a tune issue? Keen as to hear people's veiws on this!!
    Thanks man!!
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    One of them have the same pipes as me! Both have v&h longshots
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    could be directly related to the amount of twist in the right wrist. 
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    Oh common
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    Not so much drag them out but when we all decide to gun it i dont want them to pull away from me or if they behind me dont want them to gain on me
  • Odin
    7 years ago
    weight is your worst enemy, accept when going down hills
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    So does that mean wide glides have different gearing to my Fatbob? Same motors same stage 1 same pipes why does his gain on me?thats what im trying to work out i know i could do stuff to make it go faster just dont know why the same set up bike has a little more than mine?
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    Yea copy that thanks heaps for your replys
  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    7 years ago
    I be curious to know the parts breakdown:
    ~ Intake/AC
    ~ Exhaust
    ~ Tuner

    Also kilometres on the bikes.
  • Wimbo
    7 years ago
    Tyre type can also make a difference.
    I mean, If they are Caneing you, then something might be up, otherwise weight, tire drag etc can be the difference.
  • imoo6170
    7 years ago
    As lots have said weight is a key factor. Looking at 2016 models on the Harley website the Wide Glide is 23 pounds lighter that the Fatbob.  
  • moandec
    7 years ago
    Thanks guys
  • kaos1369
    7 years ago
    No one has mentioned the facts yet! The Dyna engine is not counter balanced as the Softail engine is, the counter balancer robs power from the engine. Learning to ride properly will also have a massive impact when hooning around, don't rev the fucken thing to the redline, learn to shift in your torque curve. Go and hang around the Harley dealer and talk to other blokes with the big stage 1 kit and don't forget to buy all the shirts and shit, they will definitely make you go faster!
  • boxa
    7 years ago
    I've got the 103 , My mate  can beat  me on a pushbike  going down  hills ,,, He's just a better rider i suppose ,, I do him at the lights though and thats what matters , cos theres others around to see it . LOL