Online: Ultramick


  • triumph68
    7 years ago
    haven't been on for while ive been building a few xs650 cafe racers . i picked up a xr1200 awhile back and am starting to strip it down to cafe racer it . does any one know where i can get a 2 into 1 pipe set up in Australia ? not having muck luck tracking any down 
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    xr Had a liking for the xs650 as had XS1-XS2 x 2 . Were good motors that before the Big H and the big K came out , (XS-1 1971) and bloody good fun, bar frame fuckup. Did spend a lot of time riding a Triumph 1968 Chopper hard arse in the day, and it was similar, excepting for those bloody small 2 inch exhausts on the side .Would choke up at 80(mph)
     Back to question, sorry no bloody idea.. good huntin.