HD Forums Australia
1983 XLX wiring and VOES
1983 XLX wiring and VOES
7 years ago
About 5 months ago I brought a 1983 XLX 61 Sportster that I am slowly restoring back to stock. I have been rewiring the bike due to the previous owner "customising" the bike by changing the handlebars, adding high-risers and mirrors with inbuilt blinkers plus changing the position of the tail-light. The bloke who rewired the bike for him was a retarded, drunk, 5th rate dish washer's apprentice (definitely not an electrician) who has made a real hash of the wiring. It has taken me a month and a half to sort out the wiring in the headlight and now I'm looking at the ignition wiring and realised that the VOES and computer module are missing. The bike seems to run ok the way it is but was unregistered when I brought it, so except for a quick ride around the block I haven't ridden it any real distance. I have an original Harley Service manual that I brought back in 1983 when I brought my first XLX which has been a great help but it also covers several Sportster models and while the wiring diagram for the 1983 -1984 XLX shows the VOES setup, the exploded diagram for the 1983 Carburetor does not show the VOES. The diagram for the 1984 Carburetor does show the VOES. Can anyone tell me if the 1983 XLX had the VOES system or did it only come in after 1984?
7 years ago
I can tell you the Vacuum Operated Electrical Switch was on the 1986 model.
7 years ago
83 XLX Sportster definitely did have vacuum switch and ignition module according to Ronnies HD microfiche
7 years ago
I've seem Ronnie's HD microfiche, (in fact I downloaded a complete copy of them and printed them out), and while it helps, because there seems to be some parts included on the microfiche that aren't on the xlx. For instance, they show two types of petrol tanks. I'm not sure how much to trust it. As a point of interest to anyone looking for parts, the Orange Harley Davidson dealership in NSW has the same microfiche but unlike Ronnie's HD you can buy parts from them.
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