Online: Ultramick


  • Muz59
    7 years ago
     G'day from Perth,

    Haven't been on for a while and cant remember if I introduced myself.

    Obviously I'm in Perth and riding an 86' Heritage, an 07' Heritage and an 07' Heritage Springer Classic which brings me to my question:

    Does any have an air cleaner cover to suit the Springer Classic, in must be in A1 condition and have the "96 Cubic Inch / Springer Softail" insert? 

    Also, the 86' whines quite loudly on de-acceleration and stop when the clutch is in. I've had the inner primary and box out and replaced bearings. Also had it to a shop, they to pulled the primary, clutch and compensator out and diagnosed it all as OK.

    Any suggestions?

    Cheers in advance.

  • Wimbo
    7 years ago
    Welcome mate.
    Can't help with the questions.
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    Ge'day mate. Obviously you are a Harley "Nut" like most on ere. Can't help with bits, but good to make your acquaintance mate.
  • Krackers60
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum.
    Nice looking bike.
  • Muz59
    7 years ago
    Cheers for the welcomes guys
  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    7 years ago

    G'day Muz.

    Nice ride. I love the colour. Are they all black?
