Online: Hilly


  • Spaceman
    7 years ago

    G'day Everyone,

    I registered yesterday so I thought I'd do a post to say hi and give you a look at my bike.

    I'm pretty new to the Harley game. I had a 1995 883 sportster prior to my current bike. I loved it, but sold it due to injuring myself and needing the money. It's taken me a while to get back into it, but I finally got myself another. This time around, I have gone for an early evo softail, a 1990 heritage to be exact. I don't have any huge plans for it at this stage, my priority is to get it registered again which will involve new indicators, fixing the horn and a new front tyre. I have also tracked down a set of original footboards to replace the current forward controls it has on it. The bike was given a quick and dirty respray in red by the previous owner. It was originally white and I'd like to return it to that colour once funds permit. For now, I'll probably paint it flat black myself. I'd also like to go down a size or two from the current apes and will probably go for 10 inch mini's. I'd also like to change the seat over to a solo of some sort. Not sure if I'll swap the current fatboy wheels for spokes as yet as they've kind of grown on me. They could probably do with a polish though.

    One thing I've already noticed is that the dealers I've spoken to don't want to touch it due to it's age. That's fine by me as I'm keen to do as much of the maintenance as I can. If any of the members can suggest a good workshop manual, that'd be great. I have a reasonable collection of tools, but I will need to get myself a bike stand/bench of some sort. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it over the cooler months ahead and would like to have it back on the road by Christmas (famous last words, lol!). I will probably do a build thread to keep a record of what I do to it and also to hopefully give people an opportunity to share their experience and advice. Thanks for taking the time to check it out.


  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the forum.  A great bike for a project.  Please keep us posted on progress.  I'm surprised to hear that the dealers don't want to touch it, at the hourly rates they charge you think they'd want all the business they can get.  DIY is good too, a great way to learn.
  • Krackers60
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum.
  • keith
    7 years ago
    Welcome, the dealers also struggle to carry any basic parts that you may require, enjoy the forum.
  • Wimbo
    7 years ago
    Welcome mate.
  • Spaceman
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm keen to get stuck into it. Will definitely do a build thread. I've just scored myself a decent permanent job, so the funds for the project will start to flow shortly.
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    It's been my experience that many dealers aren't interested in working on motors before the Twin Cams.
    Congrats on the bike, it looks like a good project.
  • Grubster
    7 years ago
    Hey Spaceman
    If you want a good HD workshop manual, try this:
    Costs about $25 AUD and you get it instantly in PDF form.
    Iv'e bought two so far, they are copies of the genuine HD manual and are about 400 pages. Everything is in there that you'll ever need.