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New bars for 2013 Fatboy

  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    Hi all, got my first Harley recently. 2013 Fatboy.
    I of course know sfa about them. I was wondering, for a little bit of extra comfort, to raise the bars (or buy some new ones). Not psycho looking ape ones. 3 inches maybe? A bit more perhaps?

    Question is, how high a bar can you buy, or how high can you raise the standard ones I have, before you encounter issues with all the bar mounted bits n pieces need extending or all new cables, etc? If I need all new cables, etc (or whatever it is I need), how much roughly are these bits? What do I actually need and is it a moderately difficult job? Links to any other sites (or on here of course) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    The factory bars are ok but some like a little more height and pullbacks. This can be achieved via a simple swap of risers rather than stuffing about with a handlebar swap. Cheaper and easier!
  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Thanks. How "high" can you go without changing everything?
  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    eg would these go on with no wholesale changing? Less than 5"?

    7 years ago
    Normally you would get about 1" spare to play with.

    You will either have to get an extension kit for the wiring, or splice in some extra wiring yourself. 
  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    Hi, cheers. From reading many US sites they claim 4" go on with no changes whatso. Some say some minor lengthening (by not cutting but by straightening wires/cables that have been factory curled), or re-routing, will do up to 6"! However, I'll go no bigger than 4 then.
  • bloodog
    7 years ago
    Hi  xthommox
    I have just put 4'' risers with fat bob bars on my rocker 
    I am a dum plasterer and the job took me a weekend and many cans of VB
    really enjoyed doing the job and it turned out awesome 
    One thing you will need to know is you can not pull the wires through the small hole in your bars without removing the plastic casing 
    Here is a youtube video to watch.... HDF lads told me about this 
    I used a very small screw driver which I ground down with a grinder to about the size of a tooth pick to remove the pins then it was easy 

  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    As I have 1.25" bars there's NONE on ebay that are 4 inches, etc. In fact there's none of virtually anything for 1.25". Only a few 1" rise units. 
    Anyone know where to get some from? 4" rise, 1" back, or thereabouts?

  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Get the genuine Harley risers for 1.25 inch size. They come in a couple of different variations and fit /work well 
  • xthommox
    7 years ago

    Cheers fatbat. Looks like I'll have to as I can't find anyone that's doing 1.25" ones. I've googled the genuine HD ones. US$185 to $190. Now to call my local shop to see the price. :)

    edit: 4" $274; 6" $281     .........mmmmm getting expensive!

  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    I did this for my last bike also a fatboy. I was fortunate enough to get risers second hand from another person on this forum. Harley were the only ones making the right size and its funny that may not have changed. Yeah they're exxy but quality and fitment is perfect. Good set of bars cost more and then you have all the time and stuff around fitting bars versus fitting the risers over is a ten minutes especially if you have an extra person to help hold things in place etc. I got the ones with the most height and pullback and cables were fine. And I am hopeless with tools and fixing stuff so if I find it easy...
  • xthommox
    7 years ago
    Ok. Yeah I'm tempted to just do it and wanted the 6" ones but there's 50/50 people saying they fit without needing new cables; others saying they don't. mmmmm. To be safe the 4" ones have no cable issues. So you have the 6" ones then? Pics if possible?
  • xthommox
    7 years ago

    Cassons seem to do some/many! Wholesale only but the guy said any Harley or other bike shop can get them in. $90 to $100!!! (can't copy n paste links here. WTF????????)

    Item no. Z 24170 or Z24716. Both 4" with a pull back