Online: baldy1450, Hilly

2016 Iron 883 engine noise

  • Magintz
    7 years ago
    Hi all,
    I have not posted in introductions yet but consider this an intro.

    I have recently purchased a 2nd hand iron with just under 2000kms, just had it in for its first service.

    I am new to Harley's but I do have an intuition to what sounds right and wrong with the bike. I have begun noticing (I think it was after the first service) a noise coming from the engine, it seems like the top left side, almost like 2 dinner plates sliding together. Another way of describing it would be when you run your fingers up and down the engine fins, that metallic/ceramic sheering sound. The sound is there once the engine is warm, when it is revved whether in gear or idling, it is constantly there and increases in speed or decreases with the rpm. I am concerned about it. I took it to the dealer and they had a listen and said it sounded normal, but it doesn't to me. They listened without a helmet so I thought the low frequency tones may have drowned it out, the helmet filters those out a bit and make it more noticeable. 

    I thought it may have been the primary chain, but have since measured the play and it is perfectly within range. Now it does seem to be coming from higher up and not that low in the engine.

    The bike is still under warranty, but if the dealer say they can't hear anything, I am not sure what to do?

    Any ideas on what it could be? Should I take it to a non-Harley mechanic or someone with more mechanical knowledge than myself for a test ride. The bike feels as though there is something off.

    I look forward to hearing any ideas... besides that, I love the bike.

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    If you started hearing the noise after the first service, I would start by investigating what was done during the first service.  The place that did it should have a record of what was done.  That might give you an idea of where to look for problems.  
    A few weeks back I took my car into a local dealer to have a basic service done, and it came out with two new problems cause by the mechanic who worked on it.  That shit does happen.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    gaday maginz and welcome. i would be back and push your point a bit harder,whether the noise came after the service or was prexisting is probably not really relevent until its diagnosed.if its under warranty ,the dealer has nothing to loose and is obliged to make good ....if there is a problem [ i'm not saying there isnt ].if it was a result of low standard service work ,its in their best interest to see you right the first time. seeking a second reputable opinion is a good idea,it might cost a little bit for their time,but it might help in the big picture.usually the owner/operator of something has a good idea of what is normal or not...especially "new" noises.a solid polite,please help me approach always works better than sledge hammer blunt [i've been on the receiving end a few times and always respond better to good communication ] good luck .
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    agree jfe,i should have said get the head man to test,you would hope a work shop would have a senior tech do this sort of diagnosis [as happens in our work shop...i get handed a few curly ones at times ] and good " ammo" is always handy. 
  • Magintz
    7 years ago
    Thank you all for the advice.

  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    keep us posted magintz ,on how things go.
  • Magintz
    7 years ago
    Took the bike in. Mechanic did a test ride. Did not recognize any noise out of the ordinary. However said that the clutch was slipping (he noticed this right away), which at 2000km is odd. The clutch is not under warranty apparently, I have only done 300km on the bike since I bought it. Got it with 1700km on the clock, I am not sure what the previous owner was up to, not sure how you would go about destroying a clutch in 1700km. They also checked the oil, which I had already done, and it was fine. I have booked the bike in to put in a new Screaming Eagle clutch.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    peace of mind now, plus a new clutch.
  • brash
    7 years ago

    You did the right thing with the SE clutch

    Although I'd bed my left nut it was only out of adjustment.

    The sporster clutches are a shit design, the riveted plate in the middle collapses sending brass rivets to dislodge and cause mayhem.

    The SE Kit removes the rivested plate and replaces it with a Steel one. I would recommend against adding the high performance spring unless you ride it super aggressive, the spring adds a lot of lever effort.