Online: Retroman, GGUser260

Engine Light Mystery

  • Bowzer
    7 years ago
    Giday all. 
    Bike: 06 Street Bob, EFI
    Issue: Engine light reappears after start up and stays on until i get to around 80kms and then comes on again when I drop down below 80kms again. Complete bloody mystery to me, it also misfires whilst at a steady throttle sometimes too. I thought it may have been a suspect pin hole in the fuel line in tank but it does it full or low on fuel. Have replaced leads and plugs. 
    Has anyone else had this happen or can help out?
  • Sparra
    7 years ago
    Possibly oil pump on the way out for the engine light...the miss I don't know...Did they both start at the same time? Does the engine light go out if you leave it in neutral and up the rev's.. 
  • Bowzer
    7 years ago
    No, the misfire has been going on for a while.
    PO107, PO263, PO374, PO661 and U1097
    I have also replaced the battery and not that long ago I had HD Change out the old 8's injectors for the newer 25's

  • Bowzer
    7 years ago
    Wow, I don't mean to be rude but surely there is someone here with the mechanical aptitude to be able to point me in the right direction?
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Did you go any further than expecting forum members to help out. Have you spoken to mechanic etc.
    I did a Google search and this page may assist as to what the issues are. How to fix may require more searching. I'm onto it

  • steelo
    7 years ago
    P0107 MAP sensor failed low/open
    P0107 Map Sensor Open/Low
    P0263 Rear Injector Open/Low
    P0374 CKP Sensor Synch Error
    P0661 Intake solenoid low/open Did you change your air cleaner? This error code comes up when you unplug the intake actuator solenoid. 
    U1097 Loss of SpeedometerSerial Data to ECM, Sounds more like the speed sensor and your new speedo aren't communicating . Pull the speed sensor out and clean it to see if that fixes things . Remove one Allen bolt and pull it out . It's in the top of the trans behind the starter . Has a black wire coming out of it . Once it's out just wipe it off , it's got a magnet that attracts metallic particles 
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Bowser go to the back of the front head, remove the horn and you will find a wire going into a sensor. Remove/unplug the wire and wriggle the sensor with your fingers to check if its loose. If loose tighten it and try that. My Street Glide sometimes does the same thing.......keep us updated please
  • Methuselah
    7 years ago
    Just another thing, not sure about '06, but on later ones if you use lower than standard resistance plug leads can fuck with the anti knock readings. I put SE leads on mine and it ran rough and brought up the engine light. I had a set of leads made with the same resistance as standard and problem solved.
  • Bowzer
    7 years ago
    Hey thanx heaps for the info, I'm going to check these things out tomorrow and take it for a spin. I don't mind takin a spanner to the bike but I guess it kinda dampens the whole riding experience if your beast ain't running right and your gob-smacked as to wtf is wrong with it. Give us a couple of days to get out on the highway. Cheers
  • Bowzer
    7 years ago
    Ok, engine oil ok, gearbox oil ok, I checked the sensor in the gearbox and gave it a clean, only a light film of oil cam off, no metal filings had accumulated. I visually checked the engine temp sensor, it was ok. I also gave the injectors a slight twist in their seat and checked various connections in the engine. I started the bike up and after the initial engine light on at start up, it went off. I took it out for a 45min ride then let it rest for about an hour then took it on a 30min ride. The engine oil light stayed off. I did notice a slight miss in the engine sitting on 90kms in 5th during this ride but it went away when I changed to 6th gear and sat on 100kms. Not sure if this was because the engine was reving lower. I didn't clear the codes to fine any new ones, but at least the engine light was off. I'll have to take it for a longer ride to see if the intermittent miss after an hour or so of riding has gone. 
    Cheers and thanx for your help, if the bike plays up I may be back but fingers crossed it's ok.