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Boot marks on hot mufflers

  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Before I start using cleaners/solvents on my chrome mufflers has anybody ever had to remove some marks off boot soles that must have got to hot from a pillion? I can't be the only 1 this has happened to and maybe some one can put me in the right direction? Any info greatly appreciated. Thought I'd ask before I have a crack.
  • Sparra
    7 years ago
    Use the search function mate,there is plenty of info there..
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Thanks Sparra, Common problem by the looks of it and an easy fix. Much appreciated.
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Paulybronco, Really? Tried Turps, Polish, etc etc etc etc. Nothing touches this! Are you taking the piss or is warming the mufflers really going to help? Loved the kids coming for a ride but "oh man". 
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    OK, Tomorrows job. If it works a six pack coming your way.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    nothing wrong with xxxx bitter [and i'm in vic.]
  • OILLEAK2008
    7 years ago
    Aerosol oven cleaner works. Spray and leave overnight. Clean off with a soft scot towel so it dont scratch. You might need a couple of goes if it's a big section.
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Ta all
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    thanks pb,cant always get it around here...have to wait till we visit the 2 sons in qld each year,can get xxxx pale ale and thats pretty good to.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    not familiar with yenda hell ,qld only or other places as well ? .enjoying a pale ale after the wifes first " L " plate ride ,not a harley but it is a v twin and its black [ couldnt find a s/h red one ].
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    Owned by Coca Cola.
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Haven't tried yet Paulybronco, Dam work gets in the way. But I did have some oven cleaner and to my absolute surprise 1/3 of the mark just came off after leaving overnight. Repeating process and whats left over, if any, will be removed with your method. V Happy. On an equally important note Carlton Dry and Millers Draught would have to be the beers to beat! Have the occasional xxxx when I catch up with family in Warwick QLD [ Lord, Can they put it down ] but it doesn't rock my boat.
  • camarojoe67
    7 years ago
    Autosol, works for scratching!
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the tips everyone. Had to try a few things as mentioned above and then some. Paulybronco, you're a Champ! Heating up the exhaust for 5 minutes then removing what was left with an ice cream stick........Too easy. Anyone else who may have this problem this is the PERFECT way to remove melted boot soles from your exhaust....Helpful tips on this site for sure. Bit of a polish up tomorrow and like new. Thanks again Mate.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    would you be including the ice cream with the stick? 
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    Patent a stick mmmmmm I like it! True, Forget all the other ways to remove [ Grateful though ] and just do this!!!!!
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Crushed up alfoil and copius water / wd40. Rub slowly with plenty moisture. It may take time but marks will come off.
  • Fey
    7 years ago