HD Forums Australia
dakota digital speedo tacho MCL-2004
dakota digital speedo tacho MCL-2004
Fat Tom
7 years ago
I am chasing some feedback on the Dakota digital speedo tacho MCL-2004 . For a 2007 Fatboy there isnt too many options
to upgrade the standard speedo. You have the Harley analogue speedo tacho with wait for it, 600 colour options or you have the Dakota.
Dakota state this unit is a straight plug and play unit, same as the Harley upgrade.If anyone has installed one it would be nice to hear your thoughts.
Thanks in advance
Fat Tom
Fat Tom
7 years ago
OK ,here is my update on this product. The Dakota Digital MCL-2004, I was really surprised how little information and feedback there is on the install of this product, and hope this little write up helps someone who is thinking about getting one .I finally took the plunge and made the decision to buy one. Having an 07 spec Fatboy and wanting a tacho ,my only other options really were the harley speedo tacho and the newer dakota digital MVX-2004 (no i didnt want a handle bar mount tacho). I would have paid $750 if I'd bought it in Australia ,but instead I got mine from a mob called riders discount on ebay from the USA direct for $550 landed. International postage was 12 days which is pretty good considering I have recently sent a seat from WA to NSW through Aust post and it still hasn't arrived after 12 days.The Harley item was going to cost $450 and the MVX-2004 around $600.
There is one and only one youtube clip that goes into the install of the unit and it states that it super easy and plug and play. I can assure you that it was just that, it truly is as simple as plug and play. Removal of the old gauge is easy,you dont even have to disconnect the battery( I had the FOB nearby). I put the bike up on a fat max style centre stand (or you could just leave it on the side stand), and undid the main centre console nut. Then you Lift the centre console up and unplug the connections underneath .I didnt know how to remove the reset button and when I found out I just needed to remove the rubber boot and unscrew it, it was off in a jiffy. I took the gauge console to a table with a towel on it. The old gauge unclipped with the aid off a small flat head screwdriver and simply lifted out. The new gauge installation was simple in that you ensured the existing rubber ring gasket was in place and then put the new gauge in the hole. You then need to make sure the gauge is in straight and aligned the correct way up. I turned the console over and installed the two supplied mounting clips which secure the gauge in place, then back to the bike, re attached the connectors and reset button and reinstalled the console, tightened the securing nut and done. Took me with my skills which are comparable to a monkey around 30 minutes and more than half of that was spent thinking surely this cant be that simple.
When I first looked I could not see the red key symbol flashing. I turned the main switch on and was immediately hit with brightness and clarity
of colours on the gauge. I can tell you I was mighty impressed and even though you can see the gauge on bikes on youtube, nothing compares to seeing it in the flesh. I was a little concerned about doing the 1 time odometre reset before 100 km thinking I could stuff that up, but it was super easy to punch in the old gauge readings and as long as you read the instructions well before attempting it you will find it is super easy.
With the standard Harley gauge you get a speedo an odometre, two trip meters the time and pretty much thats all. With the MCL-2004 you get a hell of a lot more. I found every thing tha dakota claims is there though the high beam does not show up. I did not go with the option of oil pessure and temp sensors, but may look at that in the future. The red key symbol now flashes when the gauge is off
I just turned it on at night and was blown away even more, it really is cutting edge. I know a lot people out there like and prefer the old style classic look and I can appreciate that, but this gauge takes it to a new star trek like level. I got the blue gauge face to match the LED fuel gauge, but you do have the option of a red gauge face.
Looking forward to exploring and getting to know the other features of the gauge. One thing I do need to check is the claim that it does not need speedo calibration if you havent changed your tyre/rims from factory standard.
At this moment I can honestly say I'm mega impressed and would highly recommend the product
7 years ago
Thanks for the writeup. It will be helpful for people googling down the track.
7 years ago
Very interesting. Thanks for the write up. Will check it out.
7 years ago
hi there Fat Tom, I rode a mates Fat Bob who had the Dakota Digital Dash a couple of years ago, and was really impressed with how bright the display was, also all the other features, I found in my old age (hehe) I had to keep looking at the speedo for it to compute, so it was first on my list of mods for my Fat Boy Lo, love it & highly recommend
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