HD Forums Australia
short shots
short shots
7 years ago
hey guys
hey bought set of short shots off gumtree,were off a 2012 48..i have what now turns out to be a 2014 iron not 2013 as i thought,all numbers on bike and papers say 2013..but....
anyways were the header pipes fit the head,there been a slight change...anyone know of anywere i can get the ends customed to fit in perth,,be cheaper to get this done than a new set me thinks..cheers...id rather not chop up the stock exhaust to do it...
7 years ago
I thought that it was standard practice for all HD models produced from October to be sold as the following year's model??. I was told that this is because the late builds would otherwise be out of date by the time they could be exported and made ready for sale in their new host country?? Me mate also told me that if changes were set to be made for the new model the bikes from October would all have the new changed fitted. I
s this true????
7 years ago
right guys i been robbed ....sent the pipes..bloke laughin wont pay cunt .. sayin want me towel i wrapped them in bck wanker...scf indutries unit1 70 princess hway yallah 2530 any one know these low life cunts...thanks guys
7 years ago
Hi,I bought the pipes in question and i have paid in full for the pipes and postage. As they say there are always two sides to every story.
The initial bank transfer did not go through because of bad reception whilst on annual leave in Queensland during the recent storms.
I paid for the freight upon collection as we had agreed upon.
I paid via Paypal to you instantly when the issue was raised regarding payment not going through.
I answered your calls and texts but as you have a communication deficiency and was actually asked if you were ok as you were not making sense you hung up.
I was only ever polite and courteous to you even when you dribbled rubbish down the phone line too me.
You claim to have been robbed because and i quote your words here "Aint been paid yet no moneyin my hand bud" yet you were sent screen shots of the money transfer saying it had been paid too you.
I even sent you instructions on how to link your mobile to a paypal account and instructions on how to open a paypal account.
I sent you a text asking you if you wanted your towel back with a lol as it was a joke and when you replied with a smiley emoji i assumed you were on the same wave length/planet i was on. You sent a set of pipes wrapped in a towel accross the country HOW INTELLIGENT IS THAT????
the pipes were not even covered completly and were expossed and subbsequently damaged in transit........
Any way thats my rant and i hope to never deal with you again..........
7 years ago
Always two sides to every story, that's why I never make judgement until I hear both sides.
Glad you have it sorted out
7 years ago
I am not surprised by the outcome.
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