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South aussies finally able to lane filter

  • steelo
    7 years ago
    You mean I couldn't before? Oops. 
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Common sense prevails. 
    I couldn't begin to tell you how much time this saves me on my work commute, and it lowers the chance of getting squashed between cars.
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Fair thing to be concerned about mate but from my experience doing it 'legally' for over a year, only one car moved to tighten the gap, failed, wore a finger from me and was seen by all for what he was -- a frustrated muppet that is obviously hung like a bee.
    The roads and time I ride to and from work I'm regularly riding to the front of traffic lights and along columns of slow moving vehicles. All done within the rules as this law makes sense (and a measurable difference in terms of time saved and less frustration waiting around).
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    7 years ago
    It's ok if the gap is wide enough to safely proceed forward without damaging other vehicles, otherwise I stay in the current lane.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    So what states is Lane splitting legal now? NSW, VIC, SA,?
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Also legal in the ACT. 
    I reckon 30kmh limit is about right for it.