Online: obisteve, blueystar

Complete FXSTC Front End

  • 99HD
    7 years ago
    I Have the front end PM caliper bars etc , 16inch apes ventura have some pitting 12 inch apes harley are ok both and are nurled , bottom tree on front end at steering lock has some pitting as does wheel I do have the fender also , black with red pin stripe.
    all done 15500 kms only hub is ali , i removed it all to fit the springer.
    Its just been sitting around a good polish will bring it all back up nicely PM caliper is in good cond.
    Selling to fund my new wheels.
    $1000 for it all.

  • 99HD
    7 years ago
    Will also have the wheels of the bike for sale once i swap them out

  • 99HD
    7 years ago