Online: paulybronco, Wanderer57
  • Slippry
    7 years ago
    Gday. I've wanted a harley since i was a kid and have decided its time. 
    Going to custom build it ground up by myself. Im no mechanic by any means but i got aome spanners and a gympie. ??

    Planning to go a 300 rear wheel...springer front with 45 rake (if possible.  Some say it isnt) with a badic 103 and 5 speed to start. The rest ill make up as i go.  

    Just started looking for the parts. Frame is being sourced as we speak.

    I apologize in advance for the dumb questions i may ask haha

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the forum.  Sounds like an exciting project, good luck with it.  Keep us posted on progress.
  • Wimbo
    7 years ago
    Welcome mate.
  • Krackers60
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum.
    Enjoy your project.
  • bloodog
    7 years ago
    Welcome Bro
    300 rear wheel...springer front with 45 rake 
    ....looking forward to your posts 
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    I confidently predict this "over the top" project will be dead in the water within 12 months. Better set a diary note to check then.
    However, would be pleased to be proved wrong
    It's nothing about your ability to ride. You've wanted one since you were a kid. Why not buy one NOW and enjoy it NOW.
    Post pics
    and what's a gympie?
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Having just had a brief PM discussion with Slippry, I have a better understanding of his POV and abilities and look forward to being more POSITIVE in my interaction with him. I do hope the build goes well but I hope I don't have to wait 2 years to see the finished bike. 
  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    7 years ago

    Welcome Slippry!

    And good luck with the project.
