Breakout mid controls

  • zittle
    8 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    Recently purchased a 2017 breakout. So far I have added a set of bassani radial sweepers, heavy breather, lowering kit and stage 1 tune. Being a short ass that I am, I was hoping somebody could lean me in the right direction for installing mid controls on my breakout. Hoping somebody could help me out in letting me know what's involved and who to speak to (company/ supplier) to get this happening.


  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Hi there Zittle. Welcome to the forum. I assume you rode the bike before you shelled out the $. What does the dealer recommend?
  • zittle
    7 years ago

     Hi Steelo,

    Thanks for the welcome!

    I certainly did take it for a test ride before producing the $$$. Its not something that hinders my riding with the standard forward controls, its just something that has been ticking over in my mind of late to try and sort out the perfect most comfortable riding position. I always like to ask fellow riders first who may have done something similar, have different ideas on said topic or can offer advise before I call the dealer ship.

  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    7 years ago
    If you can actually reach the controls in the forward position maybe try some reduced reach forwards (rather than go to mids)
  • Chaser
    7 years ago
    I certainly wouldn't be installing floorboards.  The Breakouts are notoriously low already....and considering you have also lowered it further, you'll be scraping everywhere.  Stick with the pegs and see if there is a kit/after market mod to set them back.
  • zittle
    7 years ago
                        Cheers for the advise guys. I did consider boards, then quickly realised that's not an option unless I only intend to ride in a straight line haha. Called a bunch of dealer ships in seeing what my options were, was pretty much told there is nothing that can be done. I like the sound of reduced reach controls but yet to find something to fit my bike. I think I might have to rustle up something myself. Time to dust off the mig and see what I can come up with! Also looking at some larger diameter pegs. I think 1 to 2 inches back is all I really need to be honest.  
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    I have these, sorta poor mans floorboards. They are good on the highway and you can fold them out of the way round town. Dunno if they'll sove your problem but may help?