Online: tussuck, blueystar

Surprising who stops to help a broken-down Harley rider......

  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    8 years ago

    +1 for humanity.

  • Darrin
    7 years ago
    I would have stopped. And been completely useless. 
    Does that count?
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    Good on you for helping and the young guy earlier in the thread for stopping, too many people just ride past these days.
    On the Switchback I used to carry a Cruz tools set inside of the tool roll (note to self put tools into Street Glide pannier) plus a puncture repair kit.

    Basic stuff I can fix but modern bikes these days a lot of stuff isn't road side fixable.

    But yes if you're riding a 'classic' bike then Tools are a necessity.
  • Humbug
    7 years ago
    I will stop and see if I can help in some way,but not mechanically. Apparently I am mechanically inept as my engineering/mechanic mates seem quite happy to point out. One even recons that I am lucky to know where my fucking feet are at any given time. lol, But I will still stop and see if I can help in some way as all riders should.
  • Soapbox2627
    7 years ago

    they say the average dick on a gorilla is 1.5 to 2 inch's
    just sayin
  • -kiwi-
    7 years ago
    I stopped to help Mickle one day.......China and me watched the colour come back into his face.......
  • bobby bob
    bobby bob
    7 years ago
    To sum this up, we are surprised at who stops to help a Harley rider because we are no longer surprised at who does not stop to help said Harley rider. 
  • SRV72
    7 years ago
    I remember many years ago I built an old rigid Triumph. Anyway I was riding home from a mates place one night while leaning into the round about as much as I could while watching the sparks coming off the exhausts thinking I was so cool. Next thing I know the back wheel kicked out and I was on my ass on the road. The bike was lying on its side but still running in circles with the back tyre and pegs on the road. I jumped up immediately and ran to my bike to stop it but couldn't get to the kill switch as the thing kept circling on its side. Eventually after running in and out I timed it right and stopped the bike before picking it up and wheeling it to the side of the road. The entire time traffic had stopped while watching this dickhead (me) gathering his bike off the road. As I approached the side of the road and discovered that only my pride had been hurt a beautiful blonde stopped in her car behind me and asked if I was OK. I was trying to act as calm and cool as possible when all of a sudden I look further back in the traffic and my wife is pulling up with no idea that I had just dropped my pride and joy and made a fool out of my self. All she knew was that I was standing on the side of the road talking to a hot blonde instead of being at my mates place. Needles to say I had some explaining to do. I always laugh about it. But at least  it s good to know that people including hot blondes will stop to assist a fool down on his luck on a bike. LOL