HD Forums Australia
fatbat, Hilly
Danny grey or Betchin seat
Danny grey or Betchin seat
8 years ago
I am about to buy a new seat for my 09 fxcw Rocker
Danny grey $470.00 delivered
Bitchin Semi Production Seat well over $1000.00
The 2 seats look the same, is the Bitchin set twice as good as the Danny grey
I have read the post and the lads on here rave how good there Danny grey seats are
Have you mob got any other bike seat manufactures here in OZ I could consider for my Rocker
And anyone not happy with Danny Grey
Thanks bloodog
8 years ago
Not too many blokes here with the rocker so there mightn't be much input specific to those particular seats for your bike. You will be able to get specific feedback from Yankee forums no doubt.
With a price difference so great I'd get the cheaper seat and if the comfort isn't right you could get it reupholstered/reshaped and still come out on top over the more exxy seat
8 years ago
there is also the option of the cheaper seat and an "air hawk"
8 years ago
Hey mate I have a Danny Grey on my Wide Glide. Looks great and reasonably cheap but terrible on long distance. My stock HD Sundowner is way better. The DG is a great short distance seat however its not one of their touring models so I guess thats to be expected..
8 years ago
What Fat and Soap said.
7 years ago
Hey BD I've got the Danny Grey weekender on my Rocker. It's far more comfortable than the stock seat. But be warned if you have lowered the back or are thinking of lowering it, the seat is going to rub on the fender so it's important to put the protection pad on the fender. It also moves you back from the pegs about two inches. All in all I've found it well worth the money.
7 years ago
I have a Danny Grey, not sure which model. It rubs slightly on the MUDGUARD but i'm a fat bastard. Comfortable enough (i've never put the stock seat on so nothing to compare it to) for a couple hour ride, which is as much as i like to do on a motorcycle.
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