Online: fatbat, Hilly

2014 883 Iron

  • 99HD
    8 years ago
    The wife wants an 883 black denim sporty , have one in Perth im going to look at soon under 500kms on the clock stock as for 11k what you guys think sounds like a decent price from what ive seen , cheers.
  • noctm
    8 years ago
    seems like a good price to me, may even be able to talk them down $500 or so.
    check redbook for an overall average - it's usually pretty accurate i find.
  • TC883
    8 years ago
    Seems like a good price to me as well. Drive away on that at the time would have been about $15k (??) so $11k with virtually no kilometres is pretty good. TC
  • 99HD
    8 years ago
    Thanks, seems fair will probably take it.
  • poppakush
    8 years ago
    hey bud.picked one up few weeks bck was listed as 2013,did a vin check turns out its a 2014 ...stock except for seat.8036ks...$8500,
  • 99HD
    8 years ago
    Well done mate that is a good price .
  • noctm
    8 years ago
    yo chops can you elaborate on the electrical system upgrades if possible?
  • brash
    7 years ago
    they changed the rear brake master cylinder that means it fouls a lot of the old (pre 13) exhaust system bracketry.