A few visitors at the local pub.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago
    These guys turned up at the local pub on a bit of a tour.

    Here is a low quality video of the departure.
    8 years ago
    Nice, thanks for posting
  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    thanks fc,good mix in that crew.where they from and going to?.cheers
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    That's not something you see everyday, thanks for the post.
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Would have made your day at the local ..... There is a Harley / Indian challenge held once a year .. No doubt a lot of these guys would  do that run also .....  what town were they traveling through ???
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago
    Bit of history in that group
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    8 years ago
    Thanks for sharing your pics. I bet there were many conversations held over those old classics.
  • limpn
    8 years ago
    i was just reading in the latest Heavy Duty mag there was a old school endurance race between old school indian / harleys maybe this is was the event ... so cool would love an old girl in my garage
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Great assortment of Old Iron there thats for sure ... where was the pub ... cool bit of an big axe out front , wonder how many of the lads have tried to swing on that after a big night , Lol . 
  • keith
    8 years ago
    Great classics day out to the local, nice pics.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    OMG, A Knuckle with electric start!!
    Love the old iron, I must admit.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago
    Glad the pics and video were of interest.
    To answer a few of the questions,
    Bruce, the bikes had number plates from different states. The blokes obviously all knew each other and were doing a 4 day lap of Tassie. They had ridden from Strathgordon that morning and were having lunch at a pub about 20 minutes south of Hobart where the photos and vid were taken, plus they had the afternoons ride mapped out so they were doing very respectable miles in a day.
    Mark and Limpin, Re the Harley/Indian challenge. This was not it, however I was told that a big bunch of vintage Indians had been up to similar fun at the same time down here.
    T.J.U The big Axe is sometimes at the pub when they have the "Chops" on. That's woodchops, not lamb chops, Kingchops etc. You can see behind the bikes in a couple of the photos the bits of hardwood logs that have been chopped through in a dozen or so hits by the big beefy blokes who come in from the hills to chop em up for competition and prize-money.
    As for someones comment about there being a bit of history in the bikes. Oh yeah! I agree and have to say these blokes were more than happy to talk about their bikes and were true enthusiasts. For instance, the owner of the black bike in the second picture was happy to tell me that it was a 1938 sidevalve U model that was originally purchased for the Tasmanian police force in Hobart. Also that at least 2 of the other blokes there had one as well with very close numbers and they had the original picture from 1938 when the Hobart cops got them. That is pretty cool!
    My favorite one was the one with these saddlebags on it (see pic below). Looked like it had the original paintwork with a patina only hundreds of seasons could paint. Plus the trippy saddlebags that were probably older than me.

  • brucefxdl
    8 years ago
    thanks fc. sort of stuff you stand a and talk about for hours....over a few coldies.
  • HD2481
    8 years ago
    Thanks for sharing Far Canal. Be pretty stoked if these rocked up to my local. Bloody awesome seeing history like this lot out for a ride and not just collecting dust in some museum.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    Thank's fc, well worn knuckle!! seen they had a truck following them. I remember once on a run one guy was riding a knuckle like that but no back up truck, we were up till late helping him as he had sticking valves. got them freed up with a lot of kicking feeling push rods spraying wd40 more kicking, not sure if wd40 was the right thing to do but it worked. it might look cool, but it can be hard work with those old bikes on a run, as vibrate a lot more so things crack a lot more. i now prefer rubber mount motors!! But i love kick starting!!
    Also note the guy riding that knuckle takes a few kicks to start her!! as you get more experience you learn the trick to kick starting, those old knuckles & panheads are different to kick start than a shovel !!
  • Sniffenabout
    7 years ago

    Great pics and video. Thanks for sharing. Your local pub is a cracker.

    I was in Tassie in Feb. Best place in Oz for riding. Except for the weather. Looks like this lot cracked it for a good day.