Online: B0nes

Motorcycle Club (VIC) recommendation?

  • Darrin
    8 years ago
    My FXR is eligible for a club permit this year under the classic/vintage classification (25+ years). Can anyone recommend a motorcycle club (in Victoria or with a division/chapter in Victoria) for me to join? I'm obviously not interested in the clubs that make the news for all the wrong reasons, otherwise I would not ask here! I'm not too much into large group rides but I enjoy socializing with bike enthusiasts of all stripes when time permits. Any tips appreciated. 
  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago
    My 79 Chopper is with CCJMC, they do have an active social group if thats your bag, they also don't enforce it too heavily if its not. Decent bunch of blokes though, well priced membership.
  • skirtster
    8 years ago
    +1 ccjmc member, I have my wide glide, xr500 Honda & a car club reg with them.
  • Darrin
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the tips 
    7 years ago
    LONGRIDERS CMC in Ferntree Gully have a Social Club called the Twisted Throttle for motorcycles and cars that qualify for club rego.

    Or try any of these
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    I went with HOG, but they want so much in order to qualify for the Club Plate that I'm just not going to bother with them;  I am not one of these social chaps that goes away for weekend meets so its a total mis-match.

    I will try the chopper one mentioned above as my old FXR is eligible for club plates now as well.