Online: fatbat, Hilly

HELP indicators flashing 2013 Wideglide

  • Fat Tom
    Fat Tom
    8 years ago
    A mate just took his bike for a squirt and when he returned and shut her down the indicators started flashing.
    checked that he hadnt accidently put it in park mode,pressing both switches at the same time does not turn them off
    have replaced the FOB battery -still flashing.
    He has no audible alarm ,that was never on the bike when he got it.
    Being a public holiday cannot call HD, He is at loggerheads to whats going on
    Any ideas?
  • WideglidingNZ
    8 years ago
    Hazard lights on?
  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    FOB battery up the right way?  Though I'd think it would immobilse the bike if not.
  • Fat Tom
    Fat Tom
    8 years ago
    Ended up sort of fixing. Disconnected battery and the so called no audible alarm went on and indicators went off. Reconnected the battery and alarm went off and indicators stayed off. Back to normality. Second hand bike given to him by a son, with unknown gremlins.