Online: paulybronco

Forgot Password - What to do if you don't get an email

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago
    I've received several bounced emails from people using the "Forgot Password" service.  If you've used the "Forgot Password" and have not received an email, it's most likely due to an old email address that you used to first register on the old system.

    Here's what to do:

    - Send me an email from your current email address with two details: your username and your old email address
    - I need your old email address for security purposes.  DO NOT POST YOUR OLD EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS THREAD.
    - Send emails to:

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago

    A couple of people have reported an error when trying to log in with their old password.  If you get an error when you try and log in.  Use the "Forgot Password" service and reset your password.  That should fix it.  If you don't receive the email because of an old email address, then email me at the address in the first post.