Online: paulybronco, fxr89

1996 Heritage Speedo Sticking.

  • OILLEAK2008
    8 years ago
    Hey all - My 96 Heritage was the first model to have the electronic speedo. For years it's been OK but now the needle tracks back to zero either very slowly or will just settle and sometimes stick at about 30klmh??? It will return to zero sometime later when parked for the night.
    I took the senser out from behind the gearbox and it had quite a coating of iron filings and crap stuck to it. I cleaned it all up, replaced and it changed nothing.

    Any suggestions?????? 
  • daddyracer56
    8 years ago
    try a new sensor 1st if itsnot that i can give you a repair shop in Sydney that i use , but replace the sensor 1st  cheers bob
  • Hound_Dog
    8 years ago
    Tru_Speed instruments in Guildford mate. Though I suspect what the boys have already said, the sensor is rooted. They are cheap enough.