Online: fatbat, Hilly

Replacing wideglide battery

  • WideglidingNZ
    8 years ago
    As the title states I need to replace my battery on my '15 wideglide, I pulled the old one out yesterday and the alarm went off for about 20 minutes then stopped, what do I need to do when I fit a new one tomorrow, cheers
  • WideglidingNZ
    8 years ago
    Ok I can answer my own question now- to remove battery 1/ turn ignition on, 2/ remove main fuse 3/ remove battery, then do the opposite to replace, pretty simple once you know, apologies for asking such a simple question
  • Sparra
    8 years ago
    No need to apologise,there are probably plenty of people on here that don't know how to do it as well..My wideglide doesn't have an alarm so mine is an easy change over..
  • FatboyMac
    8 years ago
    Found this on the USA forum......'My siren used to chirp 2 times when I turned the ignition off. Now it chirps 3 times, which the service manual tells me the internal battery may be dying or dead.'