Online: Hilly

New website support thread

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago
    The new site was built completely from scratch.  So no doubt there will be some issues.  Post your issues or feature request to this thread.  I'll do my best to get it done.
    If you have trouble accessing the site, please use the Forgot password feature on the login page first.
    Remember to use your username in the textbox not your email address.

    If that doesnt work send an email to:

    I will monitor this email address for the next few weeks.

  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    thanks Kingchops I am now able to log in...So many passwords to remember  so many fading brain cells    cheers mate & the new site looks fantastic ,great effort.
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Spot on Kingchops! This looks really good and works so much better from my smartphone. Massive thanks to all involved!! 
    Only issue so far is I can't use the little emoji's on my phone ... no smiley face (have to act my age). Shame the function when you read a post it 'lightens' in colour has gone. Helpful for a quick scan.
  • punkin
    8 years ago
    I don't want to sound like i'm critizing as you asked for issues to be highlighted. I do thank you for the hard work, having built a couple sites just from templates and poulated them i know how much times goes into it.
    An issue is the topics (at least in the hot topics) don't list what subforum they are in. There are certain subforums here i don't use as i don't agree with the sentiments expressed. I'd rather not click on threads in those subsections and you can't always tell by the titles.
  • punkin
    8 years ago
    Thank you once again, i can see which forum it's posted in and screen now.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago
    Hi Kingchops. Just wondering on the new site, say you are replying to a post and want to highlight/add colour to what someone has said. It was easy before however now there seems no option to do that.
    You know, just above the reply box where it now says Bold, Italic,Link,You tube,Images and Link Img. There use to be more options.
    Yeah I know, nag nag nag, pick pick pick.

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    I'd like to change my username too. 
    I just tried quoting Mon but when I did I couldn't put spaces between words which was odd. Using android 
  • G T
    G T
    8 years ago
    Hey KC. Not sure if these have been mentioned..
    Previously only threads that have new replies were in bold (with a star, even) and read threads were plain. now all in bold?
    When you hovered the mouse on a heading you could read the first few lines, to see if it was of interest to you.
    Previously you went to the latest post and had to backtrack, now it looks like you go to the 1st post, and have to jump forward. (not that it really matters) 

  • G T
    G T
    8 years ago
    Thanks mate. just read the other thread which answered those issues. 
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    KC, I get this message everytime that enter the site, no matter whether on PC, phone (Note 5), tablet (Note 12.1).  Once I click on the active topics, I enetr the site and all is good.

    Any advice?

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Good work getting it up and running, couple of things ive noticed, amount of views to topics posted seems incorrect on new ? and spell check ?
  • Kingchops
    8 years ago
    Browser spellcheck  now works in the editor.
  • punkin
    8 years ago
    Champoin. It does too!
    Good work.
  • keith
    8 years ago
    Great KC, I understand just work in progress ironing out the little things, spell check working a treat also.
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
     KC, this is just a personal observation on the appearance of the threads.
    I really like the clean appearance, but I find it visually off putting that the posters name is so prominent in comparison to the fine font in the comments.

    Is there a way that the posters name can be reduced in size so it doesn't stand out so much and detract from the comments?
  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Again well done on the new site KC.
    After a week or so using it, I'm finding I get lost less often.

    Now. My well considered suggestion
    I wonder if you ran a quick straw poll to see whether members would prefer a reverse order to the posts, ie newest post first. I just wonder who we are catering for having oldest first. Some threads as you know, run for 10's of pages. Or "JUST DO IT" to quote NIKE
    Could save a lot of mucking about. Kind regards Steelo
  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Just checked it. Now I know.
  • Ric
    8 years ago

    A great update of the site, everything is easy to navigate.

    I've not encountered any problems so all good.

    Great work and thank you.

  • Sparra
    8 years ago
  • Hound_Dog
    8 years ago
    Forum looks great mate. Just noticed however that if u reply to a comment its pretty convoluted to get back to the forum you were in. Is there something Im missing or do we need a return to furm link?