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Some changes between the old forum and new

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago
     - The new system works great on mobiles. Testing has been done on both iOS, Android and Windows desktop. 
     - Multiple image and file uploads. You can upload up to ten images at once. Images are resized in you browser prior to being uploaded. This is a much more efficient upload system.
     - The end of spam. The old system didn't have a way of vetting new users. In the new sysem, all new users
       posts must be approved by moderators prior to being released publicly. New users are limited to three
       posts before they are approved.
     - Interface clutter has been reduced. The old system had links and buttons everywhere. The new system is designed for mobiles first, so the clutter has been greatly reduced.
     - In keeping with the mobile first approach, links have been replaced in the interface with buttons.
     - PM's are now simple plain text. The purpose of the PM system is to send simple internal messages.
       There's no need for html markup or pictures to be sent via PM. This saves space and protects agains spam.
     - No pinning of topics. Pinning topics encourages old info to hang around at the top of a forum for ever.
       It defeats the purpose of discussion prominence based on activity.
     - No read/unread. The old read/unread tracking was a drag on performance. I'm looking at a new way of doing this but it's not ready yet.
     - Sorting topics/posts. This has been simplified, Topics are listed in descending order, by last post date. Posts are listed in ascending order. You can jumpt to the most recent post in a topic by using the "Last Post" link. You can jump to the first post by clicking on the topic title.
     - Grouping of topic lists by forum. The old system used to group active topics by forum. The new system simply lists all active topics, with the forum as a second column. This encourages posts in the lower order forums to be seen equally as those in the upper forums. 

    To do:

    - Content merging, some forum sections will be merged, I'm still working on this.
    - Post views don't work yet, on the todo list.
    - There's probably some issues with user timezone detection, I'll fix this on the fly.

  • punkin
    8 years ago
    So there is now way to tell if you have even read a thread, let alone if there are new replies?
    How are we suppossed to navigate that?
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    8 years ago
    Thank's for all your time and effort Kingchops!!! it's a lot quicker for me now!!
  • Sparra
    8 years ago
    Well done KC...Like everything,once the bugs are sorted and we all get used to it we will wonder how we coped with the the old version.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Looks good. Thanks chops 
  • Kingchops
    8 years ago
    Thanks for all the positive comments.
  • punkin
    8 years ago
    Thanks, looking forward to the resolution. Active topics takes you to the first post of each thread and when i refresh it doesn't drop off the read ones.
    I'm on a laptop, so ease of phone use is not my priority although i understand it is for some.

    Nother thing is that there is no spellcheck underlining dodgy spelling, don't know if that's just something that you have to turn on, but it will certainly improve the reading of the site, especially if people are posting from phones.
  • punkin
    8 years ago
    Thanks, that solves the issue of last post and very welcome.
  • Retroman
    8 years ago

                        Well I for one don't like it !

    That's my first impression anyways.

    Maybe I just don't like change..

    I will give it a few tries BUT " if it ain't broke why fix it ?"

  • Sparra
    8 years ago
    At the moment it is pretty plain jane...Anything planned to improve the look??
  • steelo
    8 years ago
    The PM button from under avatars is missing. That was a thoughtful feature of the old site and I only found it late in my use of the site.
    If preparing a PM from Inbox, no real way of knowing whether addressee is the correct person. Ie doesn't change colour confirm if right or wrong.
    Keep up the good work KC
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago
    How do you pm someone....
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago
    only issue I had was having to reset my password as it wouldn't let me login
  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    Thanks KC great job 
  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    copy their name and then go into the inbox section and send a new message.

    The old icon under their name is missing atm
  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    1: the subscribe button at the botton of each topic is a email sent to you every time someone posts in the thread, I must have pressed it on the battery thread and then got a few emails, simple un-subscribe to stop them.

    2:  why are all the (4) new forum threads in the motorcycle news section?
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    New sits looks good ,,, well done ....

    One thing I have noticed that has changed, is in the ride section...  Before upgrade, you had to sign in , (ie be a member), to access info and post ... Now you can access this section without being a member, (of course you still cant post unless you are a member) ....

    Is this something you wanted in the new upgrade ???  Some may have wanted it to be still in house,, not have every Tom , Dick and Harry knowing what other member are doing ..... 
  • bloodog
    7 years ago
    O yer KC I forgot to say........ thanks heaps for the new spellcheck, 
  • mickle
    7 years ago
    As you suggested it would be good to click on pictures to enlarge to their original size.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Hi KC. How on earth does the search function work.