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street bob seat

  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    8 years ago

    So ive picked up my first harley, love it, but the seat is pretty average, not much holding you under heavy throttle. Ive been told the mustang vintage solo is pretty good but id love to hear some opinions of a more confidence inspiring seat.

    ?Ive been looking at the Speedfam ripper seat pretty closely, but not certain i want a permanent 2up, love the look of the solo.


  • JFE
    8 years ago

    What do you mean by 'a more confidence inspiring seat'?

    I rate Mustang; some of their options are helpful like the detachable back support -- great for longer trips (general back support and as another point of contact for a bag) and with mine, it provided more support so I could ride faster on more higher speed corners. I only use it like 10% of the time and the solo seat without works well (visually). They also do a easy detachable rear pillion so you only need to have it on when you have a pillion.

  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    8 years ago
    Sorry mate, I just mean a seat so when I get on the go juice I dont feel like the seat is lacking rear support. Almost like im gonna wlide up onto the fender. Makes faster riding a bit of a task when combined with forwards.

    What solo of mustangs are you using? I like the look of the tripper solo but I feel like the vintage is going to solve the sliding back issue a little more. Appears to have more support.
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    All good. I know exactly what you mean now -- when I swapped out my stock Fat Bob seat with the Mustang it initially felt like no support but it works. Locked me in with the forwards. And as I said about back support, it really makes a difference at 100-145 km/hr. Locks ya in, if you know what I mean. 
    If I was going on the track for a course or something I'd have the back support.
  • Meatbag
    8 years ago
    I went through the same thing. Felt like I was falling off if I gave it the beans on the stock seat.
    I put a mustang vintage solo seat on and it gives more than enough support to hold you in place. Much more comfortable as well. Did a 400km ride last week and still felt good to continue on at the end.
  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    8 years ago
    I've had three Mustang Wide Trippers now. They are great.
    8 years ago
    I just rode to Melbourne and back with my Mustang Day Tripper wide seat in vintage brown, and it surprised me at how comfy it was. I did add a sheepskin cover just for the trip.

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    day tripper here with removable back rest, bloody awesome. use the backrest on longer trips, remove when around town

  • Daggs
    8 years ago
    Yeah it's good with or without but out on the highway it's always on
  • Fey
    8 years ago
    Got to rate the Mustang seat/seats, Very comfortable. Have a wide touring seat on my slim and it does the job no worries. Now....If only they could fix arthritis as easily.
  • Iron
    7 years ago
    If your after a nice gel 2 up seat with plenty of support for the rider I recently purchased a Saddleman direct from the USA, not cheap but pretty comfy and the handbrake is happy as well