Online: Ultramick

New Bike...

  • markwoumla
    7 years ago
    Geoff ,,  Congrats on the new ride ..... 
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Well done Geoff nice bike. You're gonna love it on the big ride to Port 
    Steelo thanks for trying to sway Geoff towards my road glide haha! 
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    Thanks Mark and Fatbat.
    Yes it will really make the ride to Port more comfortable!
  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    7 years ago
    Well done Geoff , you will love it .
  • graz
    7 years ago
    Congrats mate. You will love it. Taller screen makes all the difference.
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    Thanks Tim and Graz, now all I have to do is find time to run it in.
  • groover
    7 years ago
    So how do you find the Screaming Budgie mufflers Geoff?
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    I like the look of them, they've got a sort of 50s feel with the trim on them and they're loud enough but the sound is... different.

    I don't know if that's the 107 motor or the mufflers, it's sort of hard to describe.

    The sounds is a bit... mid range pitched?  Lacking in deeper notes?

    I'm reserving judgement until after I've ridden more.

  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    I stripped the splines on the gear box shaft on a bike about 30 years ago... it was a pain to fix.
    As soon as you mentioned it I remembered.
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    OK, I've pissed off the rear shift lever and fitted the Harley spline cover.
    Still waiting for the taller screen to arrive.