Online: Hilly, speedzter

New Bike...

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago

    I've piss farted around for the last 12 months or so about whether to update my Switchback to something a bit better suited to touring on.

    A while back I test rode a High Output 103 Road King and I was only a bees dick away from deciding to buy when the 107 was announced which threw a spanner into the works.

    Then I didn't know whether to buy a 103 during run out or a 107 (and run the risk of new motor design and possible problems) so I didn't do anything (lazy buggers response).

    But I wanted a new set of boots (coz mine were pretty much worn out) so I went in to buy some (and they didn't have my size!) and it turns out the local dealer had a 107 Street Glide demo so I took it for a ride.

    Fuck me... talk about buffeting, that low tinted screen looks great but it's not a patch on the screen on my mates electa glide or even the one on the Road King.  And the ride over ridges isn't as good as what my Dyna is now that I've spent $2000 on suspension (so the new improved suspension aint all that) but it's way better than my Dyna was stock.

    But I love the way the bike felt when I rode the thing so next thursday I'm taking my Switchback in for a new rear tyre and a trade in valuation and I'm going to see if they'll loan an old guy some money.


    I got to be old... $37,000 plus paint plus accessories (mufflers, rack, sissy bar, tuner) aint gunna leave much change out of $40,000 and that's ten times what I paid for my first new big bike back in the 80s!

  • graz
    8 years ago

    I fart arsed around for 12months as well. Glad I jumped though. Screen is no big deal. The stock shorty screen is useless. Lots on here about rear suspension but once you have it sorted they are an awesome bike.

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago

    Thanks guys, yeah I reckon the screen would be a must do and the rear suspension would be good to do as well.

    The local dealer has 2 Street Glides on the floor but for some reason they're both Charcoal Denim in color and I don't want Denim (neither Charcoal or Black denim).

    The Hard Candy colors are $4000 extra and I'm not paying that much for paint and Laguna Orange is $1800 (nice but I'd rather spend that on mufflers/screen) so take those out too.

    That leaves Vivid Black, Superior Blue and Velocity Red Sunglow and I'd prefer a color to the Vivid black.

    The dealer is going to check availability and let me know when I drop the Switchback in next thursday, but his face sort of said he wasn't expecting much stock to be around so I might have a bit of a wait I reckon.

    I'll know more next week.


  • whome
    8 years ago

    The velocity red looks great in the sun,it's all over a nice colour

  • Sparra
    8 years ago
    Good luck with it mate,I am actually thinking about going down the same path but will more than likely go second hand as I don't think they will give me money..I would be interested to hear what they offer for a trade. Fatbats Road Glide looks like a good buy but I'm not too sure on the look of that fairing.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    If they offer me too little then I'll have to sell mine privately (I'm not expecting miracles but I'm not prepared to get ripped off either).

    That would certainly slow things down.

    People keep saying the Road Glide rides better, that's got to be why owners swear by them (I don't think it's the looks!).

  • Winger
    8 years ago
    Geoff. I put off buying a Streety because I was always a Softail fan. Ended up in denial and bought a demo 15 Fatboy when I decided to upgrade. Loved the Fatty, but after all the long runs with the baggers ( naggers), I was the only one with the sore neck and arse after we got to our destination. In the end, I bit the bullet and ordered a Velocity Red M8 , and have never looked back. Changed the screen early on,  still experimenting with the dial up pre sets on the rear shocks,and ,apart from a couple of minor glitches early, the bike has exceeded my expectations. Our run through the Snowies in January proved how versatile and comfortable these tourers can be. If you can afford it, mate, do it! You won't regret it!

  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    That looks bloody magic that does!

  • graz
    8 years ago
    Winger is correct. Life is short. It can be daunting spending the money but wtf just do it.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
     Yeah, I'd have to do the screen straight off.  I couldn't live with the amount of buffeting I got during the test ride.
    If I sign for a bike and it's got a several months wait before delivery does anyone know what happens if the price alters?
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    I'll definitely try getting the suspension set up ok before I worry about changing it.
    I would like a rear rack/sissy bar (so I can strap a seat across it for bike rallies) and a higher screen.

    I guess it depends upon what the finance says now.

  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Hi FB. What about the nice RG Fatbat has for sale. Looks like it has all the bells and whistles. 
    Buy Mons Back sissy bar (the bike has the quick release)
    You're in business
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    That Road Glide is great value for money but... it's a Road Glide and when I look at the frame mounted fairing it doesn't look right to me.
    For me it's not enough for it to ride well, I've got to be able to look at it and like what I see.

    I'd certainly consider a 2nd hand Street Glide if the finance doesn't work out but a Road Glide isn't in my future.
  • Sturgis
    8 years ago
    Hi Geoff, hope all goes well Thursday. I too took over 12 months to pull my finger out on an upgrade from my then 2005 Electra Glide. Took the plunge in Sept 15 with a Road Glide Special with a bit of fruit including a bigger screen. Delivered in Jan '16. First big run was to Tassie and the Uly AGM. Then in June/July a lap of Aus!! Absolutely magic bike. Very comfy with standard seat and suspension. With 37,000kms on the clock now looking forward to a run 'Up-the-Guts' and back around to Port Macq for the Uly AGM in May.  Go for it you wont look back!! 

    8 years ago
    Mate screw them on the bike, I paid 4K less than the asking price, good luck
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    That colour looks good on the Road Glide :)
    I'm going to do my best, dunno what they'll say until Thursday.
  • steelo
    8 years ago
    The fairing does take a little getting used to but my mate swears by it as the weight from the front end is transfered to the frame insted of the forks. I'm surprised China hasn't chipped in.
    Anyway, unless you're hell bent on spending a lot of money and simply HAVE to go to a dealer, I thought FB's RG was a great buy.
    What ever you do, DONT WORRY. You are in the box seat. Enjoy the experience. Cheers and dont forget to post heaps of photos Geoff
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    OK... an update.
    I rocked up to the dealer this morning to get a new rear tyre fitted (for the ride I'm doing this coming long weekend) and to get a trade in valuation.

    The trade in valuation was surprisingly reasonable, HD are doing that loyalty program offer at the moment which offers $1500 off if I trade my bike on a Street Glide and the dealer knocked $1000 off the price and 10% off the accessories I wanted.  

    So I looked through the catalogue and chose the chrome SE mufflers with straight chrome tips, the SE high flow filter that fits into the standard housing and the SE tuner.  Then I went for a quick release rack, sissy bar and pad.  Finally I went with a 7 inch windsplitter tinted screen.

    The dealer is going to try and get me a bike whilst the $1500 promotion is on (he reckons there is a red one at one of the dealers but no blue ones around) so fingers crossed it hasn't already sold because I asked for "Red 1st" then "Blue 2nd" and "I can live with black if that's all you can get during the March promotion" because a bike delivered during march in Black would $1500 plus $400 cheaper than a Red or Blue one delivered in April or May.

    If they can't find an in stock bike I'll have to wait until late April/early May but they're happy for me to keep riding my Switchback while I wait for the bike.

    I'm trying not to think about the sticker price but at least payment is sorted out (not going through dealer finance) and is available, just waiting for a bike now.
  • Geoff3DMN
    8 years ago
    Ok... I'm talking to myself here, but another update.
    The dealer just rang and he's found a Red Street Glide, it should arrive at the shop next Thursday, then they'll need some time to fit the accessories and pre-deliver it, so delivery some time the week after next probably.

    But I got one!

  • steelo
    8 years ago
    Not talking to yourself. Congrats Geoff. We cant wait till it gets delivered. Please post some pics. Cheers