Finding and changing security Pin

  • markwoumla
    8 years ago

    Found this on the internet ,,,,, Save it to your mobile .... May come in handy .... It is for a touring model ,, other models may be similar , you will have to check on that .....

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    Have not done mine ....Thanks I will do it now 

  • JFE
    8 years ago
    I changed mine from what the dealer set after I got the bike. I then took a pic of the instructions on how to put in the code on my phone, theory being if you are caught somewhere without signal, you just have to follow the instructions on your phone. You always have the phone with you .... but sometimes it's just a brick with pics.

    Learnt that lesson when had bike problems in the middle of nowhere Qld without signal.
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Hi Guys ... most likely i missed something in the translation in a lot of those you tube vids but what is going to stop anyone in the know doing what these you tube vids did by checking what your pin code is and then use that code to start your bike and ride off .

    Of course one should always lock their ignition but don`t know about the rest of you but when ever i go to any dealer or bike shop in general it amazes me at how many people just turn off their bikes , leave their Jackets and Lids and walk off into the shop with the bike out of site .

    It would be nice to think the brother hood of Harley riders wouldn`t resort to this sort of stuff but that is not living in reality now is it .

    So did i miss something or is it a timely reminder to make sure you lock your ignition whenever you get off the bike .

    Tim .
  • TJU
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the reply there Mark ... i thought i must have missed something .

    Just to clarify another possible situation ... your out in the middle of no where and you have had a couple of cold ones at a country pub and you go to start bike but no go ... the Fob Battery has shit it self and you have forgotten your pin ... are you up shit creek or will it still let you check your pin because the fob is close by .

    I ask because a mate only in the last 2 weeks bought himself a real nice 08 Fat boy from Gasoline up here in Qld ... only had it 3 days , came out on the 4th morning and it wouldn`t start ... he was not impressed , he thought he had been ripped off , he hates Electrics and he thought they might have dudded him ... he rang me and i told him before he went beserk to change out the Fob Battery and give it a go ... Hey presto it started first pop ... he still hates Electrics .

    I reckon it should be mandatory that any bike shop especially offical dealer ships when selling second bikes should have new batteries in the Fobs for exactly these types of scenerios .

    Hence the question above ... up shit creek or will it let you check your pin and then use it if one was ever to find themself in that sort of situation .

    Tim .
  • Squidy
    7 years ago
    Great thread and helpful posts....especially for a noob that remembers reading it in the owners manual 
    But may have glanced over it.....
