• Karlos152
    8 years ago

    Hi Gentlemen, I'm have "DUCKS DESEASE" as far as leg reach is concerned. I purchased my SW second hand only 1 month ago from FRASERS here in Newcastle. Missing from the purchase were the Floorboards and the Windsheild. They gave me stock pipes, stock Handlebars. when purchased it had 14" Apes / Baron Pipes custom Forward Controls and Screaming Eagle Stage 1 with HD Super Tuner Pro installed and a Stock clutch cable.

    The stock 2 up seat I found to be too short for my leg reach to front pegs, so Purchased their HD Short Reach Solo Seat, $300 , this seat REALLY brings me FORWARD, too much actually to be comfortable. so again with hindsight in mode, I purchased a MUSTANG Solo, second hand from Richardson Harley, Tasmania for a great price $250 Landed, . I got this seat as its same as previous Bike seat and was the Best  I had ever experienced, BUT again Reach is TOO SHORT.  I've now bit the "Bullet" and asked FRASERS for a quote for Floorboard Kit and remove Custom controls and Install Boards = $911.  Seems excessive quoted 2 half Hrs Labour!!!! My Question is: Has anyone else had my problem and if so, how did you fix this ? I have another  Guy looking into Reduced Reach forward controls for me,  any help PLEASE, 

  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    I am trying to comprehend what is going on here. Did you buy the bike with 14' apes and they changed the bars on you?
    And what the fuck is DUCKS DESEASE ?
  • jocky
    8 years ago
    ducks disease is your arse is close to the ground...ie short legs
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    and there was me thinking it meant a deceased duck.
    Ask the question again 152 but make the question a bit simpler for us to read mate

  • JFE
    8 years ago
    Mate, a bunch of other brands make floors boards. Check out the M&M website and Revzilla for an idea what's around, the see if someone like Rollies sells them in Oz. I'm not sure if you will need extra bits to fit them or not noting you'd be removing the forwards.
  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    8 years ago
    Change to Mids, plenty of street bob riders switching to forwards so just snap up a set of take offs. Only expense will be swapping the primary case for one with a hole in it.
  • Blackmagic
    8 years ago
    I didn't buy a Switchback for the same reason, Legs too short,
    Got the Low Rider instead, perfect, it comes with Forward Mid Mounts, which are in between mid and forward mounts.
    Lowered the Bike 1inch and it's perfect.

  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    'Magic, nice looking bike with foot boards in between mid and forward positions.
    Interesting style of footboard as well. Well done.