penrite oils

  • lonerider87
    8 years ago

    hi guys im down south of adelaide new to harleys, loving getting out on it though, just thought id join the forum for tips and info, originally had a question about oils but found the answer i needed.

  • lonerider87
    8 years ago
    I rang HD to find out what to use and they advised getting their oil obviously, but it would save a drive each time i have to service, if HD oil is the better of the two i will get that but thought id ask here, im a new harley owner so still getting used to more than 1 oil
  • walka
    8 years ago
    Im not a fan of Penrite Oil, you can always smell a bike in front of you if it's running Penrite. But you should be asking questions in the workshop area of the forum
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Welcome. Lots of topics and posts already about oils. Do a text search and you'll get more than enough info although lots of opinions on this so no clear answer. I use spectro not cheap but good
  • chriso
    8 years ago
    Harley oil is shit in my opinion. Love Penrite been running it for years.
    Recently pulled stage 4 down after 75,000 hard ks. Was smick.
  • Blackbob
    8 years ago

    I use Penrite 10 tenths in my bike the Cook uses the Harley oil in the sewing machine :)


  • chriso
    8 years ago
    8 years ago

    Welcome from a fellow Crow Eater

  • allde
    8 years ago
    I hear that their MC4 10W40 Full Synthetic Motorcycle Oil is OK, but I have to admit I still like my Mobil 1 V Twin Full Synthetic.
  • Ric
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the forum
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Welcome mate.
  • walka
    8 years ago
    like I said you can always smell a Bike that runs Penrite ,, It seams to produce a bit of blow by, I use HD, Lucas Bellray and Motul in my bikes and all very good
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    I have no answer for that walka. Thats classic. Your not a fan cause you don't like the smell.
    Damn, I wish I had smell like that. Or not.
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    OK chinky I will bite. Would you like to impart some of your superior knowledge on the pros and cons of Penrite oil?
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    I am still bubble bathing at chinky's last comment. Olive oil !! ho ho. I noticed you've been fairly quiet on the forum recently chinky
    Keep it up
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    Back to the Penrite . Have a look at their website. They pretty much have every lubricant for any compartment in most modern vehicles.
    Don't know where they make all these oils, apparently in Australia. Does anybody know where the factory is located?
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Two factories in Australia. One in wantirna (melb) and one in crestmead (Logan)
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    Thanks fatbat. These factories must employ shit loads of people. Are there any employees on the forum I wonder?
    The reason I ask is cos I have a technical question that I wont ask here in this thread cos yous are all too fukin thick.
    Except for chinky
  • chopa
    8 years ago
    If you want to ask a technical question re Penrite oil try their Tech support
    Australia Technical & Customer Service
    Ph: 1300 PENRITE (1300 736 748)
    Monday - Friday
    7:00AM - 5:30PM (AET)
    Saturday - Sunday
    8.00AM-5:00PM (AET) (Technical only)
    Sales and Customer Service Email
    Technical Enquiry Email
  • beaglebasher
    8 years ago
    cheers for that chopa, I will phone them tomorrow or next week.
    I expect the apprentice will answer the phone and talk a lot of shit but we shall see.
    I will report back how it went.