pc-3 or pc 5 wanted second hand

  • dynoharley
    8 years ago

    wanted pc-3 or pc-5 ,if you have a tuner that still operates and want to get rid of it , message or ring  to 0408593476 , cheers

  • tussuck
    8 years ago
    fimik has Thundermax units at a good price. Plus they are turbo friendly!
  • dynoharley
    8 years ago

    hi , after p3-5 , have found these units very user friendly for tuneing , i have clients who cant afford ,race tuner power vision etc , but at times can pic up these uint at time very cheap , which helps out low income bike lovers , my own 124 turbo still has pc-3 , havent had any issues for 10 years with it ,cheers

  • dynoharley
    7 years ago
    any body