I read today that there is yet another recall on Indians. Apparently they've routed the fuel line to close to the engine causing a fuel leak and the chance of burning your bike down to the rims. That's the third recall in 12 months I believe! Me thinks they might have been better off keeping the Victory and dumping the Indian...
Can only blame the bike mag I was flicking through while waiting to get through the Woolies check-out! Which stated "Embarrassing third recall fo Indian" . After 37 years in the business I should know not to trust the bloody media!
I'd like a dollar for every Harley recall.
Can someone tell me what year Recall's started? I know when i got my new AMF harley there was no recall's. but once i got a twin cam i became a recall boy. just wondering when it all started?
You tell em Pauly!
You forgot to mention VW's are made by "Jew burners" too.
Wait a minute, wasn't this thread about Indian re-calls.