Online: GGUser260, Rextheute2022

Fat Bob front brake 'vibrations'

  • JFE
    8 years ago

    Has any other Fat Bob riders ever experienced vibrations through their handlebars when braking, particularly braking on a slight decline or a solid (not hard/emergency stop)?

    Mine has been doing it for a while now. Doesn't appear to impact the performance of the brakes but it is strange to feel these vibes/shudders through the bars. I've had the front master cylinder replaced under warranty however still have the same result.

    One of the mech's at the dealer said there is something with the Fat Bob set-up that causes this (twin disc, wide front tyre) but didn't offer a solution. Thoughts?

  • Huckleberry
    8 years ago
    Haven't noticed any vibration on mine. Did 1000ks over the weekend, lots of braking including a couple of hairy ones.

    Also I did venture down a very steep gravel road that had a 90 degree bend at the bottom and had an anxious moment when my foot slipped off the rear brake pedal and the front wheel kept locking up skidding and then releasing again. I did make it down, and back out later
  • DarKasH69
    8 years ago
    Got 2014 Fatbob. Done 82000km. Never felt any vibrations....
    Sounds more to do with ABS issue maYbe.
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Warped disc.....?

  • DarKasH69
    8 years ago
    Ageee. A warped disc could pulsate too.
  • Jayman6
    8 years ago
    Nil vibes on my 14 model.
  • Tzukius
    8 years ago
    +1 for warped disk(s)