Online: fatbat, Hilly

pipes for a breakout

  • sparra1
    8 years ago

    hey all, getting a new breakout in a few weeks, love the look of the vance & hines big radius but the dealer reckons they are way too loud (is that even possible?) but in saying that i dont want to get pulled over everyday and get adefected, any suggestions?

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Yes they are very loud as are most v&h pipes. Lots of blokes have em though. The key to not getting picked up is not riding like a fuckwit, not being a fuckwit and not annoying your neighbours early in the morning or late at night. Having said that you can be a good bloke and still get in strife with very loud pipes like I did when I was riding the speed limit on the Hume hwy coincidentally at the same time as a joint highway patrol/rta operation targeting summernats attendees. My big radius pipes went over the noise limit just idling and then I got the defect notice. Funnily enough this was riding the bike home from Sydney after I just bought it.

    Freedom pipes sell a copied version of the v&h big radius pipes and they offer a 'quiet' baffle that you can purchase separately. Most likely still loud bit it might take off the edge a bit
  • sparra1
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the info the dealer recommend slip on mufflers, but they don't look nowhere as cool
  • JohnR
    8 years ago

    Hi sparra,

    YES they are loud but, as Fatbat said, if you are not riding like a nutcase they should give you not problem.
    I have had Big Radius (including a 2 in 1) in my last 3 bikes and, after 14 years riding I have never been stopped by police for noise....and I ride every day to work. My only rules are warm the bike inside the garage (roller door down!!) and never leave home before 06:30 am in consideration to my neighbours :-).

    I'm now riding a 2016 Breakout with black V&H Big Radius pipes and they look great!!.

    Cheers and safe riding


  • rodrocket
    8 years ago
    I have the Vance & Hines Big Radius on my breakout & cant wait to get them off.......the noise is a pain in the A$$, I am looking at putting on the D&D Lowcat 2 into 1

  • Chaser
    8 years ago
    9 out of 10 breakouts have big radius pipes. Get something a bit different and stand out!
  • Denali74
    8 years ago

    Highly recommend the Bassani range, the guy does exhausts for race cars in the states. If your looking for performance I'd go for one of his. Once I looked him up I was sold. 

  • binnsy
    8 years ago
    Depends if you like the look, but what about V&H 2 into 1, stuck em on my fatty and took the edge off while still has a deep note and a nice sound.
  • Kustomtown
    8 years ago
    I have Bassani Turn Outs. Look 'em up. Nice sounding pipes
  • bobby bob
    bobby bob
    7 years ago
    I think not riding like a" faggot, south park last night" will help to keep V@H pipes on your bike.