Gday, about to buy my first HD

  • Kuslack
    8 years ago

    Hey, ive recently moved from interstate to Ipswich QLD and  have an insurance payout from a written off bike. So ive decided to buy a harley. ive been riding big metric cruisers for about 6 years and so i want as big a cubic inch engine as i can in a newish harley. My budget is about 17 grand and was wondering what was out there. ive test riden the breakout but found them to be abit forward leaning so thinking more wideglide. let me know what you think and im open to all options, cheers


    BTW im 6 foot and 120kg so a 48er aint gonna cut it

  • bloodog
    8 years ago

    17k breakout wishfull thinking 
    Maybe a road king with 50k on her I think the red ones are cheapest priced 

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Welcome , cash still is still a great bargaining tool, 17k will get you something nice and reliable, shop around and good luck.
  • Bobber T
    Bobber T
    8 years ago
    Welcome. And enjoy sunny ol Ipswich - I grew up there, and it is a great place for riding with plenty of regional areas to explore.

    $17k will get you a nice bike if you shop around. I bought my 2015 Street Bob SE last year, with only 4000km on the clock, and a few minor mods. It cost me $18,000 instead of the $26/27k it was going to cost to go new, and that was from the local dealer.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    Welcome mate.
    There would be a lot of Harleys made in the "Teens" out there for that price.
    A lot of guys here ride laid back bikes. I'm sure they can help you.
    My bikes more a "BarHopper" and I dont have any xperience with later models.
  • Krackers60
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum and 'what do I buy' decision making.
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Welcome mate, there are plenty of options in your budget

  • fatbat
    8 years ago

    Don't worry too much about which bikes are forward leaning or things like that as handlebars, seats, pegs etc are all easily changeable and customising a bike to your comfort and taste is part of the experience. One thing you'll notice from the metric cruisers to Harleys is that with Harleys there are so many options for customising everything and it's all so accessible, much more so than with metrics.
  • Kuslack
    8 years ago
    Right. So I just rolled the dice a bought a tasty modded wide glide 2012 with 28k on the clock. I hear that a fork brace is a well worth piece of kit anything else I should know about
  • bloodog
    8 years ago
    Photos Kuslack
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    You didn't waste time buying one. Congrats you've got to be stoked. Yeah post up a pic or two.
  • mickle
    8 years ago
    Welcome to the Forum mate, I was going to suggest a Fatbob but you jumped the gun.
  • shadowarrior
    8 years ago
    Welcome to QLD and the forums! Fork braces are the best value for money thing to have. Am still trying to source one for my Sporty Custom. And post some pics!!
  • Kuslack
    8 years ago

    i pick her up in a week, owner is running down a road worthy, it come with books and the services are all up to date. hope to see the south east queenslanders out on the road

  • Kuslack
    8 years ago

  • keith
    8 years ago
    Nice, hope you stayed within the budget ? Riding time.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Nice looking bike. If it's not too old with low mileage and you stayed within budget I reckon you did well
  • spacewolf
    8 years ago
    Very nice bike bud, you'd have to be happy with that!
  • Kuslack
    7 years ago
    So after a bit of money thrown at it the finished girl is out and about. I did bars. Front  suspension. New controls. Headlight.  Wheels. Rotors. Mirrors. New front guard.  I think its come up well
  • Kuslack
    7 years ago
    Racetech progressives with new oil and ill see how she travels. If it goes well then sweet if not ill go with gold valves amd a few other  tricked up bits