Online: paulybronco, Wanderer57

Which Insurance Company to use???

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Re youi, they couldn't get near my other house and contents insurer for premium price.

    Re their cheap car and bike insurance, I reckon it might be because where I live is full of public servants who are low risk and that includes the commonwealth public servants and retirees who buy Harleys and rarely ride them. The other insurers don't ask all the questions to assess and identify the risk around that. The more expensive house and contents insurance (broadly and beyond youi) would likely be explained by a high burglary rate, a higher rate of house fires and some houses in my area being susceptible to bushfires
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    I get a bit sceptical/paranoid that all the extra questions may end up being ammunition for Youi to use to avoid paying out a claim. It's a theory; any insurance reps on here prepared to shed light or are y'all too crooked to ride a HD?

    I'm still fuming about the extra levys as part of rego/CTP that we pay in NSW to cover those who can't be assed doing the right thing (ie holding a valid licence/registering their vehicle) or having insurance of their own. It's added around $200 extra to my 12 month rego.
  • Roadie14CVO
    8 years ago
    Hey Guys, Thanks a bunch for all the responses. I will give the main ones a chance to quote and then see which one I go for. Still got 2 months before I need to renew so time to check them out.
  • unowme
    8 years ago

    Unfortunatly you don't know how good or bad an insurance company is until you have a then its to late.

  • Fey
    8 years ago
    I'm with Swann which have a very competitive price. Mate had an accident on his bike and he is with Shannon's and he is very very unimpressed.
  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    As an outer stater transfering rego from WA to NSW I used the CTP comparison checker ,so first time insurer here was given prices from $700 -$850 is that around what others pay ?
  • markwoumla
    8 years ago
    Give GIO a call ,,, they are closer to the $650 ..... For me anyway ...... I have rego papers on my desk now , due in a couple of weeks ....
    One thing that brings the price down, is if you have the bike insured ... Make sure that is stated on your quote, as this lowers the price of the CTP insurance .....
  • chrise1961
    8 years ago
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago

    Agree JFE. I remember that dude from little Beirut, who actually got badly injured trying to pull off a motor car injury for insurance. He'd done it before as well.

  • allde
    8 years ago
    I got a really good price with RACV, wifes a Gold card member, put it under her name.
  • Mr.Mow
    8 years ago
    I'm with Shannons and yeah so far.. terrible.. They had the quote for 3 weeks and still haven't done anything.. each time I call I get a different story of 'its with our assessor', 'an assessor hasn't been allocated yet', 'we haven't entered the quote yet', 'you'll hear from someone in 2 days (2 weeks ago)'.
    And Youi.. 'whats your education level?'.. sorry.. what? 'whats your highest education level'.. ah mate, you're working at a fckn call centre.. probably higher than yours, get stuffed.
  • Bear2009
    8 years ago
    I'm with swan , happy so far , not the cheapest but not the dearest either. Been with QBE had a no fault claim with them just screwed me around to much , youi  is cheap but  but not for me too many stupid questions , then they pester you for months  via email and phone at all hours of the night to sign you up . I'll stick with Swan thanks 
  • Baloffski
    8 years ago
    What a bloody necessary evil we must have. All insurance is well, basically,  insurance for something which we hope never happens. I got pissed off with my chattels being insured with different Insurers, and just went "fuck this and stand back " . I have gone basics with Youi, with no claims as yet for two years, with my bike being market value plus 5 grand for extra stuff. On the bones at the moment so will be seriously picking and pushing one against the other for better pricing very shortly. This is a great topic to discuss and try to gain the best for us from these vultures of need.
  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    I just paid $237 for 6 months with GIO. 1340 EVO.
  • ralphski
    8 years ago
    insure my ride
    sum insured   $35,400

  • gidgi
    8 years ago
    call me cynical old prick ..but not sure how many insurance cuntpanies would actually pay out on a agreed value policy 
  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    8 years ago
    Im with youi. A mate was paying around 120 a month on his bike,  so I was a little worried about new bike insurance but I rang em and they said $26 a month. Cant complain.
  • ralphski
    7 years ago
    Youi  $1100
    SGIC ( which I have 3 policies )  $7,700
    when he told me.... I gave it to the poor fck, both barrels
    poor fck, probably hand in his resignation
    go with Shannon's 
  • Fey
    7 years ago
    From above, My mate with Shannons just got his payout for his bike which has now been classed as a write off..............12 months after his accident. Yep, 12 months. In the shop for repair all this time before they decided it could not be adequately repaired. Almost no communication on their part, All ongoing enquiries were driven by him. He won't be using them again. Most of us would NOT be prepared to wait such a long time but not everybody "pushes" for a resolution even with my prodding. None the less that would have to be totally unacceptable.
  • GeeBee
    7 years ago
    My experiences with insurance companies are they generally all are happy to take the money. It is the claim and payout process that really matters . 