Online: paulybronco, speedzter, Wanderer57

Which Insurance Company to use???

  • Roadie14CVO
    8 years ago

    I have just been informed that Insure-my-bike insurance is closing down and that I need to find a new insurer. Anybody have a good suggestion? Problem I have is I have a 2014 Road King CVO so some insurance companies won't provide cover for it and the others want to charge an arm, leg and the rest.

  • Bobber T
    Bobber T
    8 years ago
    I was going to suggest Swann. Comparatively I have found them to be one of the better priced for the cover provided. The other great thing I have found is that they are very good on the claims process. I had a multi vehicle accident on my last bike - $9500 damage paid out within 5 working days. They also helped me to ensure that I got paid out for the extra cover I have - helmet, jacket etc. They have also recently moved out of the car insurance market, and gone back to specialising in bikes and boats so they are fairly aggressive int he market at the moment.
  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Try youi. Much cheaper for me. As for claims I wouldn't know what they're like as I've never claimed.
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Youi  +2

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Ring them all, or at least the majors ones. I had insurance companies give crazy high quotes, then a year later I ring and they are among the cheapest. It's fucking nuts. Been with a couple of defunct ones, then swann, now RACV since we have multi-policies and it works out cheaper.
  • tussuck
    8 years ago

    I am with AAMI for the Sporty...Full Insurance price was better than the rest at the time.

    Started with YOUi but they slugged me a truckload in the year 2 premium (and no accidents at all).  Plus they were real bastards about harrassing me every couple of days to renew.

  • robots
    8 years ago

    wait for shannons offer to come, by all reports it should be comparable to Insuremyride, they both AAI

    if its no good will probably give AAMi a call

    does youi & budget do agreed value?

  • Bonkerz
    8 years ago
    Jot down all the names of the companies these guys have mentioned and ring. Like I said, I've had quotes from all these guys and more and they change every year, and from person to person. The system is fucked up.
  • Speedy
    8 years ago
    For my particular circumstances. here in N.S.W ..... QBE is 'the best', re: price and coverage.
  • Broke
    8 years ago
    I insure through Swan via HD. There is a HOG discount too
  • Smokey61
    8 years ago
    I don't insure apart from TPP. Averages out much cheaper over a lifetime.
  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Ha Ha

  • whome
    8 years ago
    I'm 100% Swann,they seen me right after my bike was written off..
  • JFE
    8 years ago

    You are taking the piss now, right PB? All I can do is walk away shaking my head...

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    I have changed from Swann to Shannons, with our other Cars, Bikes, Trailers, house and contence, we get a pretty good deal
  • JFE
    8 years ago
    That's funny. Cheers for the laugh Steelo.

    When PB puts down the phone & XXXX long enough, he will probably compliment your good humour too!
  • Blackadder
    8 years ago

    I've been with Famous for a couple of years now and found them a fair bit cheaper than any of the others. Never had to make a claim so no idea how they would behave then. There again, I hope it stays that way!

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    Youi were a lot cheaper for me. Some if not many of the questions made it cheaper such as how often do I ride, who else rides it, where/how is it parked at work etc. I don't know how they could disprove how often you ride your bike if that became an issue. I told them I don't ride much in winter but a fair bit in summer which is true but my higher mileage for what I described could be scrutinised (which longer interstate rides contribute to). I didn't think agreed value was much of an issue with youi
  • AlHD48
    8 years ago
    Youi does teplacement value which is crap. Same year model same kms . Rather agreed value . Use the cash to get a new bike what you paid for.

    Im with shannons . Was youi